Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In the Bleak Midwinter

I am beginning to understand why some of the YSAs lament the coming of the winter months.  It is pretty dark, even though the days are getting a little bit longer.  The sky is almost always gray.  The temperature has been below freezing all day, but no snow yet.

Everyone is wrapped against the biting cold in dark heavy winter clothing.  The humble woolen scarf here takes on heroic status as everyone (excluding SK) has one or more in their wardrobe.  It is commonly wrapped around the neck twice and on days like today comes up over the mouth and nose. They are generally black, gray or a variation of same.  Warm stocking hats, fur-lined hoods on jackets, thick gloves and black tights and boots are typical attire (well...the tights are mostly worn by women).

So as you walk out on the streets of Copenhagen or Frederiksberg, everything does indeed look a bit dismal.  Even the colorful buildings take on a deathly pallor.  People hunched over against a icy winds squint against the cold blasts and solemnly hurry to their next pausing at a window to see what bargains await stopping for a friendly visit.  I think we are in a siege mode.

These pictures really don't capture what it is like here in the middle of the day.

But I like it!  I love being inside where it is warm.  I love walking outside in a warm coat, scarf, boots and gloves.  I love coming inside any building and feeling the warmth reach out and envelope us.  I love the gray skies and the dark colors and the lights of the buildings and cars and bicycles.

Here is something I have never had has had daily use from us since we arrived. is a coat rack.  It is just inside our door and nearly everyone has a variation of it....if only a few hooks hanging on the wall.

SK is such a good sport to come and pose by the great and wonderful coat rack.  I began to laugh at him...and you see what he does when I laugh at him.

In Churches and the temple and other gathering places there are coat rooms, where people meet as they take off their winter gear and hang it up.  Rosy-cheeked people greet each other as they peel off boots and gloves.  In the temple, we also take off our shoes and leave them in that small room.  Tip-toeing through the quiet halls of that sacred place is a sweet experience.

Good news, bad news:  My beautiful little Christmas tree has bitten the dust.  I think it just didn't get enough light.  I should have put it outside....the supercharged dry air of the heated apartment may have been too much.  Good news:  The Telfords left little flowering plants in two pots outside our front door, which subsequently bit the dust.  BUT, at some time last year, they must have planted bulbs of some sort, which have braved the cold winter weather and burst forth with some green sprouts!  I'll keep you posted on what variety they turn out to be.

Poor little tree...makes me sad.  But look at that wonderful little red crockpot cooking it's little heart out!

Any guess as to what this might be?  ...and don't say "weed!"

I adore Copenhagen right now.....but I know that Spring will be glorious!


  1. I think they are crocuses, and I hope they don't croak!

    1. The thermometer is creeping downward....I will let you know how frost-resistant they are! Ribet.Ribet...Oh, not that kind of croak.

  2. Don't worry! Crocuses never croak they just croc! It seems spectacular that bulbs can last underground for so long and still sprout!

    So now that you've been in Denmark for a winter which would you rather have--the extreme heat or the extreme cold?

    1. You must be closely related to Lia. So far, the cold is much better than the extreme heat....but I don't think what we are experiencing could be called extreme. The wind is really whipping around the lake this evening, and I think the wind chill factor is great. If I were to go out for any length of time, I am certain that I would change my tune.

  3. It does look cold and gloomy - but you still have warm and happy hearts! If not crocuses - how about onions? The onions in my fridge sprouted! Keep wrapped up when you go out - and keep working on the language. Maybe all of us should learn Danish and correspond accordingly. That might help :D L&P

  4. Onions would be a great bonus. I also get them sprouting in my kitchen, but have never had great luck in a garden!
    Wow...wouldn't it be fun to have you all write in Danish?
    Love you.
