Today was taken up with Danish class and shopping for tomorrow's meal. We hurried home to do laundry, bake for tomorrow's lunch and spiffy up the apartment.
I'v got a small mountain of ironing. We may try for a record many days can SK wear the same white shirt? Just kidding....maybe.
The new missionary couple is arriving tomorrow morning. I know they will be exhausted...but it is a beautiful time of year to be here.
We won't meet them until late afternoon when we come back from the center. We will all go out to the mission president's home for dinner. This month, I don't know how many dinners for outgoing and incoming missionaries the president and his wife will host, but it seems like a lot. They are amazing.
This post is brief tonight and will probably be the first of many short ones for the next several weeks. April is already shaping up to be the busiest month yet.
The sweet news is that the swans are nesting! I hope to get a picture within the next few days.
Enjoy the final days of March.
YOU are amazing! All those meals to plan for, shop for and prepare + having people stay with you. DO NOT wear out. Enjoy the swans, the time of year and your time with the young and the "seasoned" (as our bishop used to call us). L&P is the best of both worlds....younger and elder!