Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Still Trying with Danish

Ah shopping day!  Wednesdays now will forever be associated with compiling shopping lists, pouring over grocery store ads and wandering store aisles comparing prices and amounts.  We did a fair amount of that today.

However, Wednesdays have been changed somewhat from this point on.  I went at 1 in the afternoon for week 2 Danish lesson with the temple sisters.  They are a really nice group of women.  There are five of us with the teacher.  She pushes us!  I think this will be very good.  We have lunch first - and we have to converse in Danish!!!!!  Do you know how slow-going the conversation can be?  

Lunch is followed by 2 hours of Danish study.  We are reading a very well-know children's book which is adorable.  It has a lot of words on each page, and would by no means be considered a beginner's book.  I think it is meant to be read aloud.  Today the teacher had each of us read a page and then translate.  Ugh.  It is a good thing that we are all at about the same place in reading/understanding/translating Danish.

They all live across the street from the temple, but we decided that they will come here next week.  It will be a little bit of a trip across town for them, and they have to get back to the temple to serve at 3:30 or 4, so they will have to leave early.

So I need to think of something luncheon-y to serve my friends.  I think white chicken chili....hey....I'm from Arizona!  You didn't think I was going to do American did you?  I'm going for Mexican/American.  If not that wonderful soup then quesadillas.  And maybe a pumpkin pie for dessert!  

When the class was over, SK picked me up and we did some more shopping...first at a store close to the temple.  We came home, parked the car, picked up our handy cart and went over to Fotex for the last of the supplies for broccoli cheese soup and small tuna sandwiches.  Broccoli is as low a price as it has ever been, and we got tuna at the going-out-of-business sale at the Costco wannabe for a smoking good price.  It should be an economical meal......except for the brownies.....oh my.

Last year at this time, the young women quit eating dessert....saving themselves for the feasting that will go on at Christmas time.

After taking all of the stuff over to the center (no room in our refrigerator), we had dinner and then walked over to Tivoli to enjoy the Christmas decorations.  We wandered around for an hour and came home.  

The brownies are in the oven, and I am going to settle down and read for a little while before going to bed.  I have been reading the "Crucible of Doubt" by Terry Givens.  I love the way he writes....I have read several of his books.  He uses poetry, great literature and thoughts from philosophers and great thinkers as well as prophets both far past as well as living.  He comes from a strong position of faith and his writing is not only a pleasure to read, but inspiring too.

Happy Thanksgiving one and all!

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