Friday, November 21, 2014

Time to Budget

I am sorry to say that I do not even remember what the weather was like today...I don't remember how the lake looked, I don't remember if it was windy, rainy or cold.  I am spent.

Have you ever been in a situation where you spent every last penny in your purse?  You rummaged around in every corner and pocket and retrieved every last cent and handed it over in exchange for something.  I did that today with my energy.

We slept in but it wasn't enough.  I made two large desserts, then showered and packed up and went to the center.  For several hours I helped one of our young women put up decorations at the center.  We talked...she is a sweetheart.

Then I began dinner.  People started coming back from the temple at 7:30, but the young woman in charge wanted everyone to wait to eat until everyone was there (many went on a session) that was nearly 9:30.  In the meantime, the small kitchen filled with hungry people who were laughing and talking.....and sampling the food that was set out.  All of the food was eaten....and had there been more, it would have been eaten too.

By the time we served dinner and dessert it was nearly midnight.  Games were played, great conversations were engaged in (I had with a young man who is working hard and saving for a mission, another with a young woman who is trying to keep a sure footing when her world is shaking to the foundations), food was eaten, and some helped clean.  But at 12:30 I was still cleaning, and left some things undone.

We came home because I had spent all I had.


  1. Oh, it makes me tired just hearing about it! I hope, hope, hope your schedule allows for some rest tomorrow. You need to renew your strength. I hope you can sit in your beautiful loft reading an inspiring book and recouping. Maybe you can find some spare change in your couch. :-)

    1. Brilliant! Killing two birds with one it were. Thank you!

  2. Haha. That's a good one Lia! I hope you get some rest too although it sounds like you did wonderful things today!

  3. Very good one, Lia. Definitely spend some time on the couch today!!! Even the young missionaries aren't on their feet all day until 1:00 in the morning!

  4. I don't know....we have had two different missionaries come home with foot problems!!!
