Wednesday, February 18, 2015

100 Years and Counting.....Great Blessings From Above

I hurried across town, walking and on the bus to get to my Danish class, arriving exactly on the dot of the correct time.  Unfortunately....I am not like SK, and I push the limit sometimes.  Two more came after I did, so I was not the last there.  It felt good though to take that is the way we used to go to the old center.

The class was intense....she works us pretty hard in that 3 hour time block, but it is paying off for me.  I feel like I am getting it, and understanding more.  She is a great teacher and I enjoy her and the interaction with the three temple sisters.  Actually we all work in the temple, but three of them are missionaries called to serve in the temple...if you count the temple matron as one.  Our teacher is a permanent resident here and serves in the temple, and of course I was not called to a temple mission. It is something I can do when I am not busy with the YSA program.

 We went visiting teaching/home teaching this evening in Amager.  We visited with a woman who works for the the translation department.  She also translates often for sacrament meeting and relief society.  I am continually in awe of the people who translate well because it calls for someone who can simultaneously listen and speak.....spewing out another language in the process.  She is excellent.

We sat with her in her cozy apartment for 45 minutes or so.  It was a sweet visit.  We gave her both messages for the month and talked of many things.  This was our first visit with her....I know I will enjoy the coming months' visits.  Her name is Anne...pronouced Anna.....another reminder of my little granddaughter.

On this day in 1915, my favorite aunt was born.  She was my mother's older sister and she took that role seriously throughout her long life.  She looked after her 4 younger siblings until the day she died. She loved people and people loved her.  When my mother passed away, she became the closest thing to my mother, and I looked to her for wisdom and supportive maternal love.  She was the dearest of friends.

Oddly enough, 4 years later, (2 years after my mother's birth) a younger sister was born on February 18.

And then, 39 years ago, Erin was born.

"Congratulations!" the doctor said, "You have a beautiful little girl."
I raised my head off the pillow in confusion and said, "What?"
In those days before routine ultrasounds and sonograms, we were planning on having another son...a little brother for our little boy.  I felt keen disappointment.
The doctor put her on the table beside me.....I looked at her and something burst inside of me.  I fell head over heels in love with that beautiful little girl.

All these many years later, I still feel that same sense of wonder and delight about Erin.
I watched her as a sweet little toddler exploring her world, a small child trailing after her brother, a girl - graceful as a little fawn - long-legged and slim who loved to dance and play outside in the irrigation. I watched the teen years, which she negotiated with seeming ease, and then young womanhood.   I see a strong woman - a wife and mother - facing the future with faith, hope and a desire to serve others.

I respect, admire and greatly love this beautiful woman.....who came to us those many years ago fresh from God.

Happy Birthday Erin!


  1. Oh how grateful I am you had that little girl! She has become one of my favorite people! Happy Birthing day to you! Thank you for having her. She is pretty special, but then again I haven't met a kid of yours that I didn't like! :) You Madsen's are special people to me! Thanks for moving into my neighborhood! Love to you and Hugs!

    1. One thing is certain....that we all love you.
      Hugs back.

  2. This is a special day for you - for many reasons.
    I am GLAD that your Danish class is intense and that you are learning the language better. By the time you come home - I suspect that you will have an accent :)).

    1. Wouldn't that be fun if I really did have an accent? I love the accent, but I am sure that I could not even duplicate IT much less the language. :-) L&P

  3. February 18th is a wonderful day!!!
