A stake priesthood meeting provided a reason to have a "Girl's Night at the Center." Even SK was at the priesthood meeting. I think the YW really enjoyed it....they also enjoy having male companionship there, but every now and then they like the relaxed nature of sitting around together without thinking about the men in the room.
We had the meal before the Institute class. I fixed Barbecue Chicken Ranch Salad. It was comparatively simple and I thought very good. We asked that they sign up on Facebook so that we knew how many would be coming. It turned out to not be too brilliant of an idea. I don't think most of the young women realized we were just trying to get a head count of how many would be eating - not how many would be in attendance.
We had 10 respond with a "yes" they would attend. I prepared enough salad for 12....with the chicken being the most expensive as well as the most important part of this salad. I knew there would be some who would not eat. We had 6 there at 6:00, but more came in and by 7:00 we had 12 and had run out of chicken.
By the time I started on the lesson, we had 18 there. I think when they come in at 7, they know they have missed dinner. January was a trial month....serve dinner before class at 6 instead of after at 8:30. This week we are taking polls to see which people prefer. I am waiting to hear how the vote goes....before or after dinner. I much prefer serving at 6 because then I can just sit and relax in one of the classes. We'll see.
I was given carte blanche on what to teach during the lesson time. I had an hour and 15 minutes. I gave it a little thought and then barreled ahead with my favorite subject: gratitude. That is a subject I never tire of. It just seems that is one of the very sweetest gifts we can receive or give.
Giving thanks to our Heavenly Father brings its own set of blessings.
The blessings and benefits of choosing to live a life filled with gratitude are endless and the comments from the young women this evening proved that. Several bore their testimonies in the form of answering a question. They gave strong witnesses about the Savior, His influence in our lives, and His desire to help us return to live with him.
I was touched by their comments about how beneficial showing gratitude is. They mentioned that it brought humility and happiness, among so many other things. I really enjoyed the give and take throughout the lesson.....these young women are deeply spiritual. I asked them to write down the name of someone living whom they have great gratitude for. Then I asked them to write down why. Finally I asked them to commit to calling that person and reading to them what they wrote. I hope I hear how that went with everyone. Some wrote a lot!
I also explained a five-year gratitude journal. There is only about 3 or 4 lines for Feb 5, 2015 on the "Feb 5" day, and then you mark the year as you write. In my little happiness diary, the first year was April and this coming April will be the beginning of my 4th year writing. Each night I write I can look back at the entries on that day in 2014, 2013 and 2012. What a sweet little treasure that five-year happiness journal is. If only I had started earlier in my life!
Dessert afterwards was a brownie with a scoop of ice cream and raspberries. It was very good.
I'll try to get some pictures to post for tomorrow.
Finally, I gave everyone a little sign that said: "Gratitude is the Key to Happiness." I also gave them a cute little key brad. I believe that with all of my heart. Expressing gratitude to others not only makes them happy,, but us as well. Expressing gratitude to God is truly amazing ...it just seems to make all kinds of things better. Praying in gratitude always lifts my spirits.
I am grateful for this day and all the blessings that have come.
Good meal - and wonderful topic for your lesson. So glad that you got so much participation from your young sisters. Sounds like they are truly as good as you say they are. L&P
ReplyDeleteThey really are! L&P