Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 6 at the MTC, October 7, 2013

Can I just say "I love this place!" I think I will be sorry to leave.  There is a feeling of joy, enthusiasm, peace and warmth I have not experienced before to this extent.  I stood in line in our building today at the mail counter and was charmed watching the many young sisters and elders pick up packages or letters and eagerly open them.  The letters were devoured.  As I stood there an elder came along singing "Ye Elders of Israel" under his breath.  Another one walked by whistling "Hope of Israel."  I heard yet another one in passing say to his companion, "You know what I am so grateful for?"  Bits and pieces of conversations caught in passing are focused and upbeat.  It is beautiful.  Everywhere we go, we pass missionaries - young and (ahem) old, hurrying to their destinations and happily engaged.  I know there must be struggles and unhappiness of one sort or another, but I don't see them.
We attended CES training today.  We were taught by 5 marvelous seminary and institute teachers.  We have been given a manual hot off the presses "Gospel Teaching and Learning."  We worked in it today all day, being taught and practicing the principles.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.....I even enjoyed the homework!  It was all very strengthening and thought-provoking.
We took our picture by the big map, and we went for a walk outside on this beautiful Fall day....and took a picture of that! (We don't see such colors on trees and plants in Gilbert!)

Isn't that a fun building?

We visited with several couples we had not met before and learned of their missions.  One lady has osteoarthritis and is in a wheelchair, but is happily training to be an office worker in the mission office in Spokane, Washington.  Another is learning Icelandic and preparing for 22 hours of darkness in the winter nights to come.  Another is going to an Eastern European country and trying to learn the language....and have been informed that the first thing they will do is find themselves an apartment!  We have seen young elders in wheelchairs and on crutches, and many young people from other countries struggling to learn English.  All appear to be happy and grateful to serve.
Another amazing thing about this place is the enthusiasm with which everyone sings the songs of Zion.  It is a tremendous experience to be in the midst of so many excited singers.  Wow!  Makes me want to sing out myself.....and that hardly ever happens.  I would always rather listen than sing.  The music here is grand!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your pictures! I love hearing about everything!
