Monday, October 21, 2013

What is Wrong With This Picture? and sundry questions

I have wondered what it is about the view from our windows for this past week.  I finally have the answer.  See if you can guess:

OK...look at the lake...straight out from where I am standing (upstairs) with the camera....with the fountain streaming up.  Look at the hedge not far outside of the window. Look way down to the first level of the apartment at the couch.  Do you understand what I am getting at?  That first level is below the level of the lake!  It is a man-made lake, so there must be a contingency plan, but is a little unnerving.

And speaking of unnerving....We had an adventure this morning.  We went grocery shopping for the meal on Thursday at the center.  We were in that grocery store for an hour and a half, studying labels, studying prices, studying ingredients, and generally getting a headache.  We have been carefully instructed to stay within the very tight budget, and at the same time make it a nice meal.  We just found out today that we might have far more than 40 people at our meal, because we have some visitors from Salt Lake.   So instead of spending roughly $1.25 a person, we ought to plan on .60.  Bread and milk is sounding pretty good.  It is difficult enough to decipher what products there are in our apartment, but that store was confusing!  I did understand chokolade however, you will be pleased to know.
So.....what would you do with the following?

Forget that last one!  Pay no attention to it.  It keeps turning up in the oddest of places.
By the way....if you want to see a picture of the Cantonese restaurant, look back a couple of posts to the one titled "One Week in Denmark!"


  1. Ha! I have no idea what I would do with those ingredients. Except maybe the strange lettuce... :)

  2. And I guess we should pray for a drought there!!

  3. Lettuce have some fun figuring out where the last picture came from!

  4. Ha! The fun is that it is a piece of cake.....well a head of lettuce anyway.

  5. hahaha...I can't believe the lettuce made it to Denmark!

  6. Don't feed the lettuce to your might give them indigestion.

  7. Yes, I would love to hear how the lettuce made it's way to Denmark! Does it have a name yet? How many times has it been back and forth between AZ & UT?
