For the celebration at our school, we gathered in the back of the school and batted around a great barrel, until it broke. It had oranges and candy in it. In the olden days, the Danes put a black cat in the barrel, which symbolized evil. You can imagine what happened to the cat. These days, they are kind enough to leave the cat out of the relation to letting the cat out of the bag.
SK was excited about the celebration....excited about breaking the barrel. He was hoping he would be the one. Don't you just love the excitement he gets out of simple things? Unfortunately, the barrels were extremely well built and it took nearly 20 minutes with a lot of people (one at a time) putting all of their muscles (and there were some guys who had a LOT of muscles) into hitting that thing. Everyone in our class had a good try....SK whacked it like a homerun....I had a swing at it....but it just took more than we had.
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Yes, that is SK out batting that barrel. |
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Doris tried her hand at it too! |
I took a picture of SK and he took one of me....but his didn't turn out, so you'll have to take my word for it. When it broke we all got some of the spoils, then went inside for a special kind of bakery treat ...a festilavnsboller -served on this day. The large cafeteria was filled with people from everywhere in the world. It was fascinating.
Something really interesting happened yesterday and today. Erin sent us a pamphlet from the Gilbert Arizona Temple....with beautiful pictures of the interior as well as the outside. It looked like it explained the purpose of temples, the importance of families and a little bit about the Gospel. Oddly enough it was in Spanish...with no explanation from Erin. I thought it must be for Doris.
I tucked it in my course book and off we went to school We had a few minutes to talk before class started, and Doris leaned over and told me of the strange dreams she had been having. Her mother passed away when she was 1 1/2 years old. Her father remarried and the new wife raised the children as her own. They didn't speak of Doris's mother.
Doris has seen pictures of her. She dreamed about her last night. She described her and said that she seemed sad. She was concerned about Doris's sister who lives in Peru and who is struggling through a divorce and other difficulties. She asked Doris about her and then she asked Doris why she is sleeping so much. (She has told me that with her depression she sleeps 16 hours a day and more.)
We chatted about it on and off during our break and then a little bit after class. Doris asked me if I thought it was possible that people who are dead know about us and what we are doing and if they care about us....and if it was possible to watch over us. I answered as well as I knew how....I felt the Spirit prompting me to share the pamphlet. I gave it to her and told her that my daughter had just sent it, and I had no idea why she sent me a Spanish one. I explained a little bit about temples. Then we said goodbye for the day. (In an email today, Erin said she didn't know she had sent a Spanish one!)
SK and I talked about it on the walk home. We concluded that I was in the right place at the right time to help Doris with some of the things that are troubling her. I know prayers are already helping her. I hope she gets the job that she has applied for. She already seems happier. I hope she finds the answers she needs in the Gospel....I know they are there. But if it isn't right for her now, I will be happy just to be her friend.
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On the way home I snapped these pictures of this old building and these interesting trees. I am looking forward to seeing what they look like all leafed out. |