Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snake Oil Remedies...and such...

I put the oil on my hair last night and covered it with a lightweight shower cap.  It may have spurred it to great growth...I can't tell, but it kept me from sleeping!  And given a choice between sleeping and having my hair grow out a little faster, I'll take the sleep.  So ends my scientific experiment chapter.

SK did not hold back on his opinion of the whole thing.  More laughter plus the comment, "That is stupid!"  "Do you really think that is going to make your hair grow?"

I believe that is what is called adding insult to injury.

This morning the sun was shining again....and Copenhagen has kind of come alive after the long dreary month of January.  People are out everywhere and it is very pleasant to be out.  The ducks on the lake look like they are walking on a sea of glass.  I think the warmer weather has thawed the upper layer of ice on the lake so that it is a thin veneer of water over ice.  There are no ripples or waves and so it gives a perfect reflection of all around it.

Doris from Peru came back to our Danish class today after an absence of nearly a month.  She went home to visit her family.  She brought in a Christmas Pannetone cake....couldn't help but think about Ethan and how much he enjoys it.  I enjoyed it for him today.

Just outside our Danish class is the bicycle rack.  Nearly everyone either walks, bicycles or rides the bus to class.  The little blue sign on the wall with an image of a bicycle on it is very see that bicycle on shirts, mugs, bags, whatever.

She asked several questions about our church.  It was great to talk to her about it.  I was just warming up to the topic when we were interrupted by the teacher wanting to teach.  Oh well....I hope there will be many more opportunities.

At the center tonight we had a girls' night since all the men were at a stake priesthood meeting.  One of the YSAs was going to come and show me how to cook an authentic Danish meal.  But earlier in the day, her sister called from her workplace, with word that they had a lot of food left over from the day and that if we wanted to use it for our meal, she would pack it up for us.

So SK and I went to where she works, back in a lovely courtyard surrounded by several stately old buildings.  She had several salads and a main dish with sauces.  It was a gourmet meal.  We took it back to the center.  SK went to the meeting with Elder Hansen and I stayed at the center.

We ended up with around 20 young women.  We sat around and feasted on the meal that Victoria brought and then we sat in a circle with one in the middle.  Whoever was in the middle received a compliment from each of the others.  It took nearly 2 1/2 hours.

The compliments they paid everyone were lovely, kind and encouraging.  I was so grateful that I know each one and had no difficulty saying what I enjoyed about every young woman.  I love them and find so much about them to admire.

I think everyone went home tonight feeling closer to the others and better about themselves.  I of the YSAs even mentioned in her compliment to me that she liked my new haircut!!!

That does shower cap tonight!


  1. Hey! The haircut wasn't all bad!! I'm curious to know what the other YSAs said about you--I know all the wonderful things I would say, but it would be nice to know what they love about you. And how nice to have a break from cooking! I want to know what Victoria makes for the "authentic Danish meal". What would we make for an American meal?! Maybe ham and funeral potatoes. :)

    1. It would be difficult to describe except to say that there were three salads, all different than others I have had, and the chicken salad was really excellent, with a dressing the consistency of sour cream. There was a vegetable tort that I loved, and then there was a very unusual dish....if I understood the description correctly, it was cod ovaries with the eggs in them. It was clearly something organic because you could see the veins. They were the size of a sweet potato and about the same shape. The eggs inside were tiny and dense, because when I ate it, I thought it was something akin to liver pate. I kind of liked it, especially with the remoulade sauce, but I am not sure I will ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking I ought to have some more. Authentic American meal? Hamburgers and french fries? Tacos? Lasagne? Alfredo? (My Italian friend says it doesn't exist in Italy.) Pizza? Ribs? I don't know....we live in a melting pot and have borrowed and changed so many foods. Love you!

    2. I know people eat animal ovaries and testicles and brains and livers...I am sure I will never wake in the night craving them, either. :)

  2. So glad that you were able to spend quality time with the ysa girls - and also that you were able to have a good church conversation with your class mate. The photographs are BEAUTIFUL! L&P

  3. Janis you only have to use one tablespoon of oil. Your hair will absorbe it and you might not even need to wear a shower cap. It will help you grow it faster and make it sleek and shine.

  4. Thanks Sandra....It is worth a try....
    It is so good to hear from you. You must be so proud of Byron....he is a great young man.
