Saturday, February 15, 2014

Some Observations

We went to the temple today, and the session was full.  The first lady I spoke with thought I was Danish and spoke to me in Danish, but I understood what she said to me...for which I am grateful. The session was in English, and the prayer was in Swedish.  I believe there were some people there from Germany as well.  It was lovely.

We took the bus(es) there and back.  We have taken that route many times and so we weren't really sight-seeing, but I was nevertheless sight seeing.  The streets we take are lined with small shops and businesses and on a Saturday there were many pedestrian shoppers, carrying bags and pushing strollers.  I love the way adults around here hold the hands of their children.  If the little one isn't in a stroller, he is most likely holding the hand of one of his parents.  Even children who could be 10 years old walk hand in hand with an adult.  It is a sweet sight to me.

It is not only children but adults who hold hands.  Couples stroll along holding hands or linking arms, almost unaware that they are doing so.  At one bus stop, a beautiful young Danish couple approached the bus.  She was lovely in a white woolen tam with long dark hair flowing over her black coat.  She was carrying a large white rose.  She stood at the door of the bus for a few seconds while he kissed her one long good-bye.  I was surprised that the bus driver waited!  Flustered and flushed, she climbed on the bus and he left walking.

Everywhere we go, we see inviting little archways that lead back to ivied walls and quaint old structures.  We pass shoe-repair shops, chocolate shops, bakeries, clothing shops, candy stores, hardware shops and hair salons, each smaller than the average convenience store in the States.  In fact, there is one tiny little cafe that we pass on the way to our favorite grocery store that has two tables that seat two each!  It is tempting to go inside and see what they have to serve.  Perhaps someday we will.

This evening we walked into Copenhagen, and over a a good sized bridge going to the island of Amager.  As far as I can tell the Baltic Sea is the source of the narrow waterway between the two islands.  We stood for awhile on the bridge and watched the boats.  We walked down apartment-lined streets, shivering in the cold wind.

We visited a member of our branch .. a very kind lady about my age.  She lives alone in a small apartment (they are all small here) that is filled with her life.  She has a lovely collection of figurines, classical music CDs, vases and books.  As we sat in her living room, she bore her testimony in so many ways.  She has been a member of the Church for 25 years.

She has experienced many struggles, including losing her job after 38 years with the company and taking care of her mother who has Alzheimer's.  (Her mother is in a care facility)  She now works in a genbrue (2nd hand store) and genuinely enjoys it.  We promised we would go see her there this week, and she will look out for little dessert plates for me.

Her son lives about 20 minutes away and was on his way to help her with computer problems (see...some things are the same where ever you are).  But we didn't stay long enough to meet him.  We were there nearly two hours and had a lovely visit.

She told us that she has had bone-chilling depression for years.  It was especially bad when she lost her job.  She went to doctors who could do nothing for her.  So she has learned to live with it.  It comes out of the blue every now and then and stays - an unwelcome guest - for 4 or 5 days.  She prays and she waits it out, knowing that it will go away.  But what a challenge.  Four or 5 days can be an eternity when you are feeling so down.  "I am so grateful for prayer and for knowing that He is there." she said.

She coached me a little bit with my Danish and promised to work with me more when we get together. In her work, it was required that she speak Danish, English, Swedish and German.  I was amazed and a little bit embarrassed by my struggles with just Danish!  Of course, I told her of the looming TEST.  Her immediate response was "I will fast for you tomorrow!"  I asked her not to...knowing she is diabetic.  She was adamant.

With that kind of faith, how can I possibly fail?


  1. What a wonderful day - temple, understanding Danish, walk with beautiful scenery and a visit and testimony sharing with a dedicated sister. Couldn't get much better - unless the Savior were to come - which - when I think about it - he probably did. L&P

  2. You are so right! I would love to think He visits here in His temple.

    Open House is over? I'm sure with many happy memories.
    Love you!
