Monday, June 16, 2014

A Red-Letter Day

It is 10:40 p.m. and Family Home Evening is over.  Everyone has departed except for one young man.  SK and he are talking sports!!!!  I can hear them in the next room...they are in earnest.  SK has little use for soccer and the World Cup.  He is a rugged individualist around here since very few people here are neutral about it.  Most of the young people who come here are very excited to watch it.

Our young friend is doing his level best to convince SK why it is exciting, while SK is doing his level best to convince him that baseball is exciting.  I think neither will convince the other.  But it is cute to listen.  It is a very friendly conversation with some chuckling going on.

It has been a pleasant day for us.  We had the car today which was good.  We finally found a raincoat for SK and it is in our apartment waiting patiently for the next rainy day when it will heroically step in to relieve the Mary Poppins umbrella the task of protecting his suit!

We also bought several small flowering plants!  I am so excited about it.  We will plant them tomorrow and hope that we can have at least 2 to 3 months of blossoms.  We hope that the roots have been mostly rooted out of our little garden plot.  We will see.

Next Monday night the YSAs will be coming to our apartment to have a BBQ on the roof.  There is a grill up there and places to sit down.  We could have 40 up there....which could be interesting.  I can't imagine that many in that small space.  But it should be fun.  The view up there of the lake and the city is wonderful.  Next Monday, in case you didn't know is a day of celebration....we will celebrate the longest day of the year.

It is often observed by burning a figure of a witch...I don't know where that came from...but they still do it.  I think the YSAs even do it.  I think the following weekend, our little branch will do something similar in a local park.  And Frederiksberg's answer to Central Park will also have a celebration with the mandatory witch burning.

I am thinking that at its shortest, the actual night or hours of dark (well as dark as it gets here during June) will be very few - perhaps not quite 4.

As exciting as that sounds, I will not be staying up to see when the sun goes down and when it comes up.

Our cute YSAs were few in number tonight....I think the World Cup games have taken their toll!

The exciting news of the day is that my dear friend Doris came to the center and had her first lesson with the sister missionaries.  I sat in on it, and the sisters did a super job.  We set up another appointment for Thursday.  They already love Doris....who wouldn't?

I think it is time to go break up that sports conversation and make our way home.....sleep is calling!


  1. YEA for Doris. If you did nothing else on your mission - your sweet relationship with her would have made it all worth it.
    As for the longest day - the people in Alaska cover their windows with foil during the summer so they can sleep. You are definitely up NORTH! L&P

  2. She is a wonderful person, and a joy to know.
    We are north....we put dark sheets up in the bedroom window, but somehow that bright sunlight is hard to resist. L&P
