Sunday, June 29, 2014

Families and the Ties that Bind

Our day started with church at our little branch.  We had an excellent sacrament meeting and then a combined meeting where our branch president taught about the dash on a family record.  It is the dash between the birth date and death date of a person and represents all the stories of his life.  He was eloquent in relating how important our families are to understanding who we are and where we came from.

He then showed us how to access these stories from and how to input them so that everyone can read them.  It is very exciting.  I would love to start putting more photos on the site too.  I guess that will have to wait for a few 14.

After church Dave and Deb came here to our apartment and we had a little something to eat.  Later we headed out to the Church of Our Lady, where the Christus and His Apostles statues are.  They are so impressive and the church is so lovely.  We stayed a long time just enjoying the sights and sounds of that beautiful old building as well as the sculptures.

Not far from the church is the town square where yesterday we had a hot dog.  The man in the little hot dog stand was so ornery and yet funny that Dave had to go back today to give him a pass along card.....which the man cheerfully accepted.  We were on hand to snap a picture.

We took a long walk through Copenhagen down to the seaside where Dave and Deb's hotel was.  We could see magnificent views from their room and sat with them enjoying the beautiful overcast sky and sharing memories as well as news of our families.

There are so many people here who have become dear to us in the last 8 1/2 months and we are delighted at how our circle of friends has enlarged.  Nevertheless, being with Dave and Deb has been so heart-warming that I hardly know how to describe it.  Having loved ones with us and being able to share a little of this country with them has been deeply satisfying.

I am so very grateful for those very powerful ties that bind.

View from the windows of their hotel.


  1. Another GOOD day. Now you will have to get back to work. Thursday will be here before you know it. L&P

    1. Yes! We lived a fairy-tale weekend, and now it is time to get back to real life. But the memories will linger on to sweeten - even more - this magical place. L&P

  2. The idea of the dash is so intriguing to me as well. I heard a speaker talk about it at Women's conference and thoughts about "our own dash" has lingered with me since then.

    I'm so happy that Dave & Deb were able to come! Family is what its all about and what a sweet reminder and refresher to have them there!

    1. Yes....beautifully said. It was one of those amazing coincidences that they were here the weekend we had that lesson on "the dash."

  3. The pass-along-card picture is awesome! I really love the picture of the four of you. The sacrament meeting sounded lovely. Our Gospel Principles lesson today was about the sabbath being a day of rest. It sounds like you had a beautiful, restful sabbath.

    I think you are quite amazing, Mom. Uncle Dan and I were talking today about the skills needed to do the things you do on a weekly basis, like making a meal for several dozen people....the planning, the organizing, the shopping, the economizing, the cooking, the baking, the timing, and the improvising under last-minute duress! Only someone who has worked to make good meals for just their own family or one or two guests can begin to understand the effort that must go into making a meal for 50! Every single week! I don't think I could handle the stress. Not to mention all the love you give to those young adults, the fellowshipping in your ward and former danish class, the temple work, in addition to the regular missionary hustle-bustle of meetings and study. And the staying out till the wee hours of the morning, just for the sake of the YA. I'm amazed at all you do! I think The Lord is upholding you.

    I do hope that you are able to take a much-needed day of rest each Sunday and oftener too after the crazy weeks.

    1. Lia My make it sound like we are absolutely extraordinary! We aren't doing a single thing anyone else could do. But we love it.
      Sundays here in the mission field are really a day of rest and focus.
      You are so encouraging and comforting and lifting. Thanks so much.
      Love you.
