Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Seeing the Light

I have heard it said that some people have moved away from the Phoenix area because they could not take the tedium of having every day be "clear and sunny."  I could never understand what could possibly be bad about clear and sunny!

However, I have seen the light.

Today was overcast and gray with an occasional drizzle.  We opened the windows and it was cool.  It is also fairly humid.  It makes my hair kind of frizz up....but that is OK.  No one's hair looks stunning on a day like today.  Most younger women (and quite a few older ones) wear their hair long and often fresh from the shower.  They come into the center smelling fresh with slightly damp locks.  When they bicycle or walk they twist it all up onto the tops of their heads, and when they arrive somewhere, they just loosen it and it all tumbles down, looking great.

Here is a warning to anyone who might come matter how good your hair looks in front of the mirror, 5 minutes outside and you will have a whole new hairdo.  I have pretty much resigned myself to the "tousled" look.  Even at age 65 it appears to be acceptable.....or invisible, one of the two.

I spent a couple of hours with my sweet friend Doris today.  She is facing some decisions that are weighing heavily and I am praying for her to find peace.  Please remember her in your prayers.  She will go with me to Sacrament meeting Sunday and then Relief Society Tuesday to make cupcakes.  She will enjoy that for sure!

We sat outside in a lovely park for awhile until we got cold (yes all you incredulous Arizona people...cold) and found a cute little cafe where she had tea and I had a bottled water with some salad. I took the bus and walked home in the light mist that fell.  Tomorrow it will be warmer with clouds and sunshine and by the weekend it will be sunny and clear.  How about that?

I think I could get used to the ever-changing weather conditions here.  But....there is never anything wrong with clear and sunny!


  1. Well today was clear and sunny and hot hot hot! I was wearing black and within minutes of getting out of the car I felt the heat of the summer beating down on my back. (although it's very possibly that the sunburn I got while at Saguaro Lake this weekend may have contributed)

    I've wondered about Doris. She is blessed to have you as a friend. I will remember her in my prayers!

  2. Ouch on the my fair daughter must have forgotten the sunscreen...which you hardly ever do!
    I am blessed to have Doris...she is your age, and when she has asked for advice, I try to think what I would say to you in her situation.

  3. What a wonderful friend you are. Keep enjoying the weather. We are going to be hot and clear for a while. You pray for our rain and we'll pray for your Doris. L&P

  4. Thank you Thank you for your prayers. Yes....I will definitely pray for rain for you. L&P
