Thursday, December 4, 2014

Angels Among Us

I don't think Kasper would like being called an angel.  He is a manly young man....after all he has served in the royal guard.  But he is an angel.

He did the shopping for and prepared the meal this evening.  He arrived at the center at 6 and worked furiously for 2 1/2 hours to prepare risengrød, a very special Christmas dish that coincidentally is what you leave out for the Nisse so that they will continue to be nice.

That was dinner....risengrød.  It is rice pudding...but not just any rice pudding.  This is heaven.  He started by bringing water to a boil, then adding beautiful little round kernels of white rice.  After boiling for 2 or 3 minutes, he added marvelous Danish sweet milk.  He brought it to a boil and stirred it for an hour (on and off...mostly on).  He had three pans going at the same time, going from one to another to stir like a man with plates balanced and spinnining on tall sticks.  When it was done, the milk had thickened into a light fluffy pudding.  Kasper added salt and let it sit for a little while, then served it warm with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled over a pat of butter which slowly melted into the creamy mixture.  Ahhhhh.
Not a soul fact most people came in and took one sniff and excitedly said, "risengrød!"  Everyone had their fill and there was perhaps a gallon left, which we will serve Monday night.  
The point of all this was to start December with a very traditional Danish food, and to save money so that we can spend more on meals the next  two weeks.  I am using the term "we" somewhat loosely here.  This is all Kasper's idea.  He has great plans for next week's meal...glazed ham and brown potatoes (little white potatoes with a carmel-y coating...not too sweet).  He will do the shopping!!!  The Thursday before Christmas will be the traditional holiday meal, pulling out all the stops.
He will begin a three-year course in the culinary arts in January, but he has been cooking for years...he is passionate about it.  
The bottom line is that I didn't shop for the center this week, and I didn't stand in my kitchen or the center kitchen today cooking.  I just sat talking to the YSAs, and enjoying them immensely....and I watched Kasper I can make this wonderful dessert.  He patiently explained everything he was doing and made sure I looked at each stage.
What can I say?....except that he is an angel.


  1. Kasper is wonderful! I love that guy! All three meals sound amazing.

  2. Finally back home -"be it ever so humble...." Much to do - but reading the rest of your blogs was on my list. I was able to read some of them from the kid's computers - but was not able to comment.
    What wonderful things you have been experiencing (including the cold).
    I am so grateful that your young man cooked for you. The rice sounded yummy!!
    Getting together for food and spiritual feast also sounded wonderful. L&P

    1. Hey! Welcome home! I was about to call out the search party. I missed you. I thought you were probably visiting family though. is wonderful. Everything is going well...thanks so much.

  3. So wonderful!! I confess, I was somewhat confused at first because I was thinking of the friendly ghost, and wondering why you were calling him an angel. :) After reading, though, I completely agree with you!! Hopefully when he started his culinary school it will be in Copenhagen and he will have assignments to cook for 30-40 people that he will have to fulfill in the center!!

  4. Melissa .... that would be magnificent if he could fulfill all outside assignments at the center....a match made in heaven.
