Friday, August 8, 2014


There were no YSA activities today or this evening, so SK and I worked at the temple.  We left our apartment about 1 in order to catch the buses needed to be there by 1:45.  It was a little close today so tomorrow we will leave an hour early.  (I am working for Sister Hamblin tomorrow because she can't be there.)

Today was a very unusual day.  The first three sessions were cancelled because no one came!  The last session of the day consisted of at least half temple workers.  They kept us busy, but there was also time to sit and ponder, and to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Today is the last day of summer vacation, and school starts on Monday, so people are shopping and getting ready to begin the new school year.  I guess that temple attendance is way down on the list at a time like this.

When we got out of the temple in the evening, it was still light and the weather was perfect.  As we neared the bus cruised by!  So we began walking and ended up walking home...which felt good.  SK thought it was too hot but I thought it was perfect

The style of clothing in the summer continues to amuse and amaze me.  Young men often go shirtless with just a pair of shorts.  Young women wear short shorts and all kinds of brief tops.  Sometimes I wonder if they forgot to change from their nighties.  It is pretty much the norm though and I guess people get used to it.

I gives me such a sense of respect for our young men and women.  They are beautiful young people and they don't seem to mind wearing more modest clothing.  And they look so good!

I saw two YSAs...a young man and a young woman at the temple.  I thought it was great that they went to the temple together.  It wasn't a date...just two friends.  No matter the pretense, it had to be a nice evening for them both.  I'll bet they went for ice cream afterwards!

These summer nights are beautiful.


  1. Wonderful day - even without a busy temple - and the walk home sounded great - IF you had on walking shoes. Keep busy! L&P

    1. I have learned here that wearing pretty shoes are practically never worth it. I wear some industrial strength walking shoes most of the time. They are not feminine, not pretty and not dressy....but they allow me to walk around this beautiful place, for which I am very grateful. L&P

  2. I went to the Gilbert temple today. It wasn't busy either! Must just be the time of year I guess.

    1. That is truly amazing! Someone needs to start a rumor that it will close for a month. :-)
      Love you!
