Monday, August 18, 2014

Do Not Try This Diet at Home!

We held Family Home Evening tonight amidst packing boxes loaded up and ready to go to the new center.  Instead of a comfortable ring of couches surrounding a large area rug, there was a two-man sofa and a few classroom chairs scattered over the bare hardwood floor, interspersed with bags and crates marked to go.

The CRUD table was camouflaged under a load of various and sundry items that may find their way over to our new address, but before everyone began to depart, someone cleared it off and two games were played.  SK was the victor of one and proudly pointed it out to me later.

The young elder missionaries gave us a message for FHE and then a fun game was played.  By nine, nearly everyone had departed.  Two young sisters lingered and SK and I sat on the small couch ... they each had a chair and we talked until 11:30.

For a great deal of that time, SK was regaling them with stories of his mission, but later they talked about their missions and their lives.  I love those times the best.  They are both vivacious and beautiful young women who have a charming way of laughing and an ease in Danish and English, but other languages as well.

The day was dramatically dark and rainy until around 5 p.m. when the sun broke through.  It warmed up into the 70's and blue sky reigned for several hours.  It was beautiful all day long, no matter what the weather.

We met the Parkers midday for lunch.  They took us to an Italian restaurant, and then we toured another grocery store.  They already have their bearings about where they are, and they already have a good idea about groceries and prices....I am sure they are going to hit the ground running in their new assignment with YSAs somewhere north of here.  The elders delivered a car for them, and SK took Elder Parker for a spin.  Some of the cars are semi-automatic....which must take some getting used to.
Tomorrow evening we will all (all the senior missionaries) go our mission president's home for a dinner to honor and get to know the Parkers.  They do this for every incoming and every outgoing missionary or missionary couple.  If more than one leaves at the same time or comes in at the same time, then the dinner honors them all....and they are always incredible dinners.  Sister Sederholm is an amazing cook and always fixes something special.

When we got home, we found a superb chocolate frosted Danish sweet on the counter, left by Elder and Sister Parker.  SK and I sat down and ate........ahhhhh.  Great little midnight (or later) snack.


  1. Good evening with your YSA's. I'm sure they enjoy you as much or more than you enjoy them. The weather sounds wonderful. We have had clouds, wind, etc. but no rain for quite a while again. Send some our way. The Danish rolls sound wonderful!
    Keep walking! L&P

    1. As I am responding to your note, I'm thinking you got the rain you were hoping for! L&P

  2. I think that diet sounds positively marvelous!!

    1. I think it IS positively marvelous! I need to live in a society where chubby women are valued.

  3. A little rain at our place - but not much. The best rain we had was Mar. 1st during the cultural celebration. L&P

  4. Isn't that amazing? We have told several people about that rain. Our young people who participated in that will never forget it! I wish I could share some with you....we have enough and to spare. L&P
