Saturday, August 2, 2014

On the Road Again...Spectacular Sweden

We were up at five so that we could pack our things and be at the ferry by 7.  This time we paid attention to where we parked!  We had some breakfast, watched the beautiful land of Finland fade from view and then went to our little walk-in closet/cabin to sleep.
SK was pretty tired and slept for several hours.  I slept and read, which felt like luxury.
We visited with several YSAs.  We love those young people.  Before going to our cabin, we stood on the deck watching the water, the islands and the other boats....and we were both tired.  SK said,"I don't want to go to sleep....there is so much to see."
He is funny, and amazing.  It is now about 11 pm and we are still 2 hours out of Copenhagen.  He is driving and I am trying to write this post on the phone.
SK is munching on licorice and cherry cola, occasionally muttering about something in the road.  We watched the sun go down over a very large lake....he was almost as excited about the beauty of the sky as he is at winning CRUD.
I guess posting pictures from Festinord will have to wait another day.
Signing off from somewhere in Sweden....


  1. You can sleep when you can't do anything else!! This post makes me happy to think of Dad running himself ragged because he didn't want to miss anything. You two are troopers!!

    1. He's pretty cute. And you got his quote word perfect.

  2. AMEN to Melissa's comment. Wonderful - but tiring time. It is something you will never forget - or regret. L&P

  3. Amen to YOUR comment! I hope I never do forget these wonderful times. L&P
