Friday, September 12, 2014

A Place of Love and Beauty

I wanted to go to the center today to clean up from last night's meal, so I reported to the temple that I wouldn't be there today (they know that our mission with the YSAs comes first).  By the time we finished last night, it was late, and my feet and legs were shot , so I didn't sweep and mop.  I  also hadn't started the dishwasher.  It is brand new and I don't want to run it the first time unless I am there.

It also needed to be vacuumed and the bathroom cleaned.  I was going to do all that today.  SK left to work at the temple around 2, and I finished some things up here, intending to walk to the center around 3.  I sat down to read a little...and fell sound asleep!

I awakened at close to 5:00 with a start wondering why I was asleep, what time it was, and where SK was.  It took me a little while to get my bearings straight.  I got up and walked around for awhile and started some laundry and a batch of cinnamon rolls in the Bosch mixer.  

I have got to go to bed earlier!

I finally decided that I was just too tired to go clean today and worked around here instead.  SK will be in the temple again tomorrow and so I will go then.

He had a beautiful day in the temple.  One of our YSAs will be leaving in December on a mission and received her endowment today.  It was the last session and they had to put 10 extra chairs in!  SK said that many of the people there were YSAs, and there was a group outside waiting for her when she was done.  They are so supportive and loving that way.

But I am so proud of all those sweet young people.  They love the temple and realize what a strength it is to them.

And it is a strength to them.  I see it.  What a sweet blessing!


  1. Some people have a hard time listening to their bodies. You needed that rest!
    Such a good thing to have support when you go to the temple for the first time.
    You are right! GOOD young people! Take care of yourselves. L&P

  2. I DID need it! You take care too.
    Love and Prayers.
