Saturday, September 6, 2014

To Meet and to Part.....

We stayed up very late last night....we just couldn't let go of the week with Erin and Ethan.  It was such a grand week and it flew by, as we expected it would.  But it is still so hard to have it over.

We were up early to be ready to leave for the church where our missionary conference was held.  Erin and Ethan got up to say good-bye.  We had a prayer together and tearfully hugged.  It was so hard to part.

We had a week together like we have never had before.  When Ethan was in school years ago, we all lived together for a year.  He was very busy with school and Erin was very busy with little ones, and SK and I were both quite involved with our own lives.  Here in this magical country, we spent time together seeing so many wonderful sights and talking....talking....talking....catching up on everything we could.  It was an amazing luxury.  Even all the time we were together shopping and preparing food for Thursday had a closeness of its own.

We have been so very grateful for the opportunity we had of spending that time with them....glad that it worked out like it did.  Our mission president gave us permission to leave Copenhagen and see some of the beautiful areas of the world here, and that was wonderful.  When you share something you love so much with people you love so is a very special joy.

We were able to take care of our responsibilities at the center, and are now ready to spend more time there beginning with the new week.  Our Institute Director would like to have it open 5 days a week, which will be good.

The church where our mission conference was held is by the temple, and coincidentally by the old center.  We were to gather on the temple steps for a picture first, and then walk over to the church.

We parked a couple of blocks away, and even as we drove along the street we saw young men in suits and young women dressed up, all wearing the characteristic black name tags.  There was an enthusiasm and energy that we could sense even from the car.

We walked to the temple and saw dozens more.  Missionaries young and old were summoned from all over the mission for this very special occasion.  Many were carrying the small suitcases they brought to stay the night last evening so they would be ready bright and early to be spiritually fed.

We all stood together for a picture on the steps of the temple...I will get a copy of the official one from Sister Sederholm.  I broke away immediately after they snapped it so I could get my own.  You'll have to take my word that I was there!

We assembled in the chapel at the church by 8:40 and sat quietly listening to incredible prelude music played by an excellent young missionary pianist.  At 9:15 Elder and Sister Bednar, Elder and Sister Hallstrom (of the Presidency of the Seventy), and Elder and Sister Kearon of the Area Presidency entered the small room and everyone quietly stood in respect.

The meeting was -indeed - a spiritual feast...with those six speaking.  Elder Bednar had the lion's share but conducted a lengthy give and take between the missionaries and the individuals on the stand.  I am certain that it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most of us to be in such a small setting (no more than 150 of us....probably closer to 120).  We listened and many were able to ask questions that were respectfully and satisfyingly answered.  All of the music was wonderful.

One of the senior sister missionaries will be returning home at the end of the month.  She and her husband have been here nearly 2 years now, and she is eager to see her family.  She is in the process of clearing out their apartment and was kind enough to offer me her Bosch mixer!!!!

I can hardly wait to make cinnamon rolls and regular rolls for dinners and other occasions.  I have been mixing them by hand, and while it is a great way to work out frustrations :-), I can only make so much at a time.  This will save a ton of money and time.... and who doesn't love homemade bread, or at least the smell?

I'll slip into sleep tonight dreaming about the last week with our dear Erin and Ethan...


  1. Well, if Erin and Ethan HAD to leave, at least they were replaces by a Bosch. Wow!! I'm so excited for you!! Cinnamon rolls are a breeze with that. And now you can look forward to daughter #3!!

    1. Yes....looking on the bright side. I think I have all of the tools now to make a feast, if only I were a cook! I am excited to try the cinnamon rolls this week.

  2. More family coming?? How nice. The mixer is great - but in no way will it replace family. Enjoy it anyway. Parting is such sweet sorrow - something of which memories are made.
    Wonderful meeting! I can tell it was wonderful even though you didn't say what they talked about as the Spirit was present without saying much. L&P

  3. The meeting was about the guidance of the Spirit and it was a beautiful meeting. I have wondered if the young missionaries understood what a singular and unique privilege it was to be taught by those 6 individuals. L&P
