Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Missionaries in the Temple

Menu planning, list making and shopping took the better part of the day....except about 3 hours in the afternoon.

Once a month, our mission president and his wife take all of the missionaries who have reached their half way mark to the temple for a session.  It was just a coincidence that SK and I passed our halfway mark, but we were invited to attend because they needed some older married couples there.

As it turned out, we were asked to lead the session.  It was a choice experience being there with so many of the young and faithful.  They are truly good people and they are giving their missions their best.  I know they will be rewarded for it.

I have heard so many people  say that the missions they served taught them so much about life, and that they have been blessed by being in missionary in so many ways over the years.

We went to another store after the temple and then home to prepare some of the food for tomorrow.

I am sincerely hoping that things prove to be easier than I have anticipated.  I tried to keep it simple.  I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. You will do great! After a good Wed. in the temple & preparation - Thurs. will be a breeze. L&P
