Saturday, September 20, 2014

Copenhagen's Golden Days II

It is 1 a.m. and all is well.
When we left this morning a lovely light fog enveloped trees and buildings around us.  We arrived at the school with time to spare for me to set up the projector and get some chairs set up before breakfast was served.
After that, SK left for the temple with a large number of the YSAs who divided and conquered...some going to the baptistry and some going to a session.
I gave the "Art Portraying Jesus Christ" twice....the first to a very small group of 3, and the second to a group of about 17 or 18.  They were all great and appreciative audiences which made it a joy.
After lunch, SK and I came home and slept for a half hour.
We returned to the school where SK took pictures and I helped in the kitchen by cutting vegetables for nearly 2 hours.  Great fun.
A grand meal was served to everyone on tablecloth-lined tables with lit candles.....ending with chocolate mousse topped with White chocolate mousse.  Spectacular.
The dance lasted until midnight, and then there was a presentation of the winners of the afternoon's scavenger hunt.
We had strung silver stars all over the ceiling of the dance hall and there was fancy lighting that sometimes looked like a spotlight and also started blinking rapidly so that everyone looked like they were in a scene from a very old movie.
We walked around visiting with YSAs and helped the kitchen cleanup a little bit.  SK took a lot of pictures.  We sat in the room where the dance was and enjoyed the energy and the diversity of dance styles....(the music was so loud that visiting there was out of the question....but we tried.)

It was a great day.  I love these young people more and more.  The messages we heard at the outset both yesterday and today were uplifting and enjoyable,  Morten and Lea have done so much work on this three-day conference.  The conference chairman, Jonas had everything planned out in detain.  I never saw any of those three when they weren't incredibly busy and they must be incredibly tired.  One of our cute soon-to-be-missionaries Gizmo worked so hard on the gala meal....getting the tables set and arranging for kitchen equipment...

Everyone did a great job and it was a very succesful day.

I am so very impressed with their faith, their diligence, their hard work and their ability to organize and prepare in such a way that everyone will feel the Spirit.

Tomorrow will  be the last day of Golden Days.  We had two couples introduce themselves to us.  We knew all of them, but not as couples!...So that is interesting.  We found out 2 others are awaiting a mission calls....which is very exciting.  We have been invited to a missionary farewell in November.
We so hate to lose them.  But what an adventure for them.

Pictures and more detail will follow tomorrow, I hope.


  1. Your young people are amazing. I don't know that ours could do all that organizing, preparing, etc. - but maybe. Sounds like it was a great success - and- I'm thankful that your talk/presentation went so well. L&P

  2. They are amazing. I think they are able to do something like this because they don't think they can fail! Oh to be young again.
    You are a dear....thanks so much. L&P
