Thursday, April 16, 2015

Feijoada! wasn't a difficult dinner.  As dinners go, it was fairly easy.  It is a dish....THE national dish of Brazil.  We fixed rice....we fixed black beans with meat, onions and garlic....and we fixed tomato, onion and jalapeno salsa to top it off.  I thought it was quite good.

According to SK, it was a success....he was out with everyone as they ate.  But one young man didn't like it at all....taking one bite and saying that he couldn't eat it.  That is OK.  I know him well, and love him, and he is honest...and sometimes a tease.  But there were several who were very enthusiastic about it, and that of course is always nice.  Some of them are just so kind and complimentary, that I always feel like must have done something wonderful....they are just plain nice. is so good and kind of exotic (from Brazil and all), and they were more excited about the tuna fish casserole!!!!

It is late...we got out late.  We had a visitor from another country who has run out of money and needed some help.  So we called the Bishop here in town who would take care of that.  He came over and spent time with this young person and then did what he could to help.  In the meantime, we were there until nearly midnight.

But what a grand day it has been!

Mette, our Danish teacher planned a surprise trip for the four of us in our Danish class.  She told us to wear good walking shoes and a warm coat.  Janet drove us across town and found a parking place close to some old old old navy housing...which is still being used as housing!  There were many people all walking, bicycling, or driving in the direction Mette took us.  We walked and walked until we rounded a corner and saw a large crowd standing at the end of the street.
This is old navy housing from the 1600s.

We stood waiting expectantly with everyone else...sandwiched in like a can of sardines.  At one point Janet wanted to move to another area for a better view, but the crowd was so thickly packed together, we couldn't get through!  After a short wait, we were pushed along with everyone else, like water in a river rushing towards a larger one.  We found ourselves in the middle of the  courtyard of the queen!

Eventually, she came out onto her balcony, along with the rest of the royal family.  They stood and waved, and then finally disappeared into the castle.

It was grand fun.
Mette and me!

The queen turned 75 today..she came out in turquoise and waved.  Her family are on either side.

Cousins and other family members of the royal family

Our intrepid group walking along the harbor to our car.


  1. Not everyone gets to see a queen - so you were fortunate. These late nights are not a good thing - but sometimes can't be helped. I always wonder what people are thinking when they travel and "run out of money". Generally poor planning - would be my guess. Glad the bishop was able to help him. Was he a member???
    Take care of yourselves - and remember that you can't please all of the people all of the time. Just keep doing your best. L&P

  2. Yes...I feel very lucky to have been there and able to see her. She is much beloved. Our visitor who ran out of money told a very odd convoluted story and seemed a bit peculiar, but the bishop was very kind and I am sure helped her get to where she needed to be.
    Glad you're back! L&P
