It hasn't really felt like the Sabbath all day, and it hasn't felt much like Easter either. But it has been a glorious day when we have been richly blessed by gospel messages from our general authorities.
SK was supposed to go to the stake center to watch the priesthood session of conference at 11. But, bless his heart, he got up at 2 a.m. to watch it on the computer, and then instead of going to the church, went to the center with me. He helped me carry all of the stuff we needed to take, and he stood in the kitchen and made pico de gallo....all by himself! I think by the time we get home, he will have become a master pico de gallo chef.
We were there until 9:30, a long but beautiful day.
While SK stood chopping tomatoes and onions, I sat - slicing peppers of every color, red onions and chicken breasts....which I cooked in the oven. We watched Saturday afternoon's session today at the center at 2 with 11 YSAs. They arrived hungry and were really hungry by 4.
We served fajita quesadillas....something I kind of made up. We served it with some seasoned sour cream and SK's awesome pico de gallo. I figured the chicken/peppers/onion mixture would go a long way, but when I began to make them, I loaded them up with cheese and the meat mixture. Everyone there....EVERYONE wanted at least one more, and some two more. I ran out of the meat mixture after seconds had been had by all, and then made cheese only quesadillas. Either they were pretty good or the YSAs were pretty hungry.....or maybe both.
We watched "Music and the Spoken Word" at 5:30 and then the Sunday morning session at 6 p.m. Throughout the evening, I had the wonderful sugar cookies out, and served chocolate pudding with whipped cream. It was a fun recipe made from sugar, cocoa, milk, cream, vanilla and corn starch....with real dark chocolate stirred in after it had thickened. It was a little like eating a semi-solid chocolate bar with cream.
The conferences were absolutely wonderful. I loved every single talk. The theme of marriage and family seemed to run through everything and every matter the primary subject, related back to those subjects.
Elder Holland began by speaking about 2 teen-aged brothers who climbed the sheer vertical walls of a canyon, and who then experienced a desperate situation where one was in grave danger of losing his life. The way that Elder Holland related that to the Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus was very touching.....and inspiring and faith-promoting. There were other talks too that filled my soul with their message.
Elder Cook spoke of his Uncle Vaughn who lost his life in World War II, and read some of an article he had written that had been published in the May 1944 Reader's Digest. He seems like a very sweet man, who always speaks of his family with great fondness. If you would like to watch Elder Cook's talk, go to this internet address:
SK and I cleaned up, wiped down the countertops and stove top, started the dishwasher and trudged through the evening light to the bus stop by Tivoli, where we caught a bus that brought us within a block of our home. Ah. Great to be in pajamas with my feet up!
We watched the last session of conference together sitting on the couch. When it was over we looked at each other and said, "It's over til October!"....which always makes me a little sad. Conference is so inspiring for the 2 days we soak up the inspired words. At the same time, the realization washed over us that when we watch general conference again, it will be in our home in Gilbert.
To quote SK: "That makes me so happy!.......and sad." I couldn't have said it any better.
Conference was wonderful - and your cooking must have been equally (well- almost) as wonderful too. L&P