Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Family is Ordained of God.....

Don't you love General Conference?  I look forward to it, and enjoy every minute of it when it comes.  Today's sessions did not disappoint.

It was another lovely day in Copenhagen with high cotton balls of clouds racing across the sky set against that deep blue.  The temperatures are creeping up....and I do mean creeping.  It is in the 30s and 40s, but if the sun is shining and the wind isn't blowing...and you have a warm coat and scarf on, it is beautiful.

We did some shopping for the meal tomorrow.  Every business we passed was open for business and doing very well.  Since everything was closed on Thursday and Friday, we kind of expected more of the same.  But I guess Saturday is a big business day...everything will be closed on Sunday and Monday.  It is a big holiday, and Danes take their holidays very seriously.  It is a time for feasting and family.  It is a marvelous tradition.

We took the wonderful rolling cart and filled it nicely.  It is great to bump along over the cobblestones carrying all kinds of heavy stuff.  I think it truly is Spring.  In another week the forecast says it will be in the upper 50s.  Trees, shrubs, flowering plants - all seem perched on the edge, ready to burst into riotous colors and glorious greens.

We went to the center for the women's broadcast.  I wondered if anyone would come, since they broadcast it at our stake center for all women.  Two came, so the three of us sat together and watched (not counting SK, who sat on the couch kind of attending to the talks).  We were amply rewarded by the talks and music.

Between the women's broadcast and the Saturday morning session (we watched it live at 6 p.m.), we pulled out all of the leftovers from Thursday's meal and everyone ate their fill...until it was mostly gone.  We had 11 at the 6 p.m. broadcast.  We broke out the cookies.  After 2 days in the refrigerator, they were even better!  Everyone enjoyed them, but we still have at least 2 dozen for dessert tomorrow!  (I had given about half of what was left of all the food to missionaries....a good cause,)

With it being such a big family day, I am wondering if we will have even as many as we had tonight.  The difficult thing is having enough.....and not having too 75%

We'll see.

The talks from the women's conference and the first session were excellent....every single one.  I was interested to see how many focused on family and marriage.  They were thought-provoking and inspiring.  One of my favorites was the president of the general relief society.  She was acutely aware of the many who do not live in ideal families - if there is such a thing - but she also made an impassioned plea to be kind to each our marriages and families.

Elder Packer also talked about marriage.  He was occasionally difficult to understand.  He is 90 and wears oxygen, and is sometimes hard to understand.  Even our English-fluent young Danish friends didn't understand everything he said.  He once said about the Twelve, that they have the unfortunate fate of dying onstage.  His talk was very very good, and will be great to read.  I am sure that it is frustrating for him to struggle so to make himself heard and understand.

Most of the young people there had small writing pads in which they took notes.  I didn't see anyone with telephones or ipads playing games or sending messages.  They all listened reverently and attentively.

I love these guys!

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