Sunday, April 12, 2015

Saying Goodbye

Thea is a quiet and gentle young woman who teaches our YSA Sunday School class once a month. Her subject today was "Who is my neighbor?" In the New Testament, a man asked the Savior the question when Jesus told him to love God  and his neighbor in order to gain eternal life.  Thea (all of five feet tall and slender) shared an experience she had this past week.

It was very late and she was on her way home in the metro (train).  Besides her, there was another woman and a very drunk and sick man.  Thea and the woman conferred how best to help the man...trying the emergency phone number (which didn't work).  After a couple of stops the woman got off, and Thea worried about how to help the man....and tried to be of assistance to him.  The train pulled into the station where she was to exit, but she stayed on the train until they came to a stop where there was a security guard who would care for the man.  Then she got on a train going back to her stop near her home.

I was deeply touched by the simple way she told the story....she wasn't trying to say that she is a saint.  She was saying that in that situation, she realized that the drunk was her neighbor.  Other comments were made that were tender and full of insight.

I learn so much on Sundays.

At this time, SK's sister - who is just older than he - is dying.  We received word earlier in the evening.  It hasn't been that long since she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  An infection has raged through her weakened body these past few days, and unable to fight it, she is losing ground fast.
Two of her sisters will be with her through this night and her children will all be there soon.

SK called her and although she was unable to respond, he tearfully expressed his love and appreciation for her, telling her that she would soon be reunited with loved ones, and asked her to tell them hello from him.

Kaye is 76.....and like nearly every human who has led a full life-span - loved and served, and in return was respected and loved.  She experienced heart-wrenching grief and great joy.  She had a tender heart and cared deeply for people.  She loves her family.

She is one of those dear souls who would never have asked "Who is my neighbor?"  She already knew the answer.

We will miss her.

1 comment:

  1. Sad! But when we know about the plan of salvation - it does make these partings easier. Bless you! L&P
