Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Whenever I feel the rain on my face or the wind as it rushes by

We awakened to the sound of a brisk wind racing through the trees.  The skies were overcast and dark.  It was wonderful!  It was cozy inside as I made out the week's menu and shopping list.  
We don't have a car today and won't have one tomorrow but are trying piecemeal to get everything we need.  We made two trips to the same store carrying as much as we could each time.  We are making lasagne so canned meat and tomatoes are heavy!....along with the requisite butter, sugar and flour I use each week.  We got some great buys so it was worth it, but I think our arms are 2 inches longer from carrying the heavy bags!
SK made another run to a different store where he added to our list of purchased items.  We'll try it again tomorrow morning with a different store.
Our WiFi is not working and I don't know when it will be reconnected so this will be short, except to say that we are still basking in the warmth of the conference messages.  We are looking forward to seeing the last session which we have not yet seen.
Since the center does not as yet have internet connection, we may be offline for awhile, and in the meantime I am sending the texts to Erin who is posting them.  


  1. Aren't our electronics amazing?? If only I knew how to use them. Sounds like a good day - when more calories were used than consumed - and you got some shopping done.
    Tomorrow is your BIG day!! Enjoy your visit. How long are they staying?
    Keep up your good spirits - and hard work. L&P

  2. Yes....our electronics are amazing. I get frustrated with them, but then I also love them and am so very grateful that we can use them....even in the most rudimentary of ways. L&P
