Friday, October 24, 2014

Temple Light

First, my apologies.  I should have taken pictures of that feast last night!  You would have loved the would have loved the food.  I took one little picture of the bruschetta so I will post that now.  It was the least of the dishes, but it was very good.  Whoops....technical difficulties....I'll post that photo tomorrow.

SK and I spent a beautiful day at the temple.  We left at 1 in the afternoon and returned home sometime before 10, so it was a long day.  I enjoyed the peace and beauty there and I always enjoy the people as well.  I was with SK on a couple of assignments and that is always nice.

The last session was very special....two of our YSAs were there for the first time, and they were both so cute.  A young woman who will be leaving for a mission in France within the next few months, and a young man who was baptized a little over a year ago.  He is too old for a mission, but he is a missionary nevertheless.

Both were solemn and attentive, yet happy with eyes sparkling.  Both looked so beautiful (I hope young men don't take too much of an exception to my calling them beautiful!....I am not sure there is a better word to describe the inner and outer attractiveness of both men and women here).

We took the bus both ways....that is always kind of fun.

The days are getting markedly shorter ....yet SK remarked that it is another two months before we hit the shortest day of the year.  It is getting darker earlier and staying darker later in the morning and for the last several days, the sun has laid low all day....hiding somewhere.  So the days have been dim.

One lovely thing about the dark days in October and November is that they hold in them the promise of the holidays, and all that goes with them.  What's not to love about that?


  1. So glad that you were able to spend time in the temple and especially to be there with your two young people. That is always such a choice experience.
    You seem to enjoy everything about Denmark - but of course - you are a happy, positive person. It is always good to enjoy the moment. L&P

  2. It would be hard NOT to love this place. I know you would enjoy it immensely. L&P
