Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Going South

We started out from Copenhagen around 8 a.m. to be in Ny Koebing Falster at 10:30 to inspect a missionary apartment.  This is an apartment we have inspected quite a few times over the last year and a half.  It is amazing to me how different it looks from visit to visit.

Yesterday was transfer day, so one of the missionaries was new there.  They were both cute and for some reason both seemed soooo young, perhaps because they ARE young.  Neither is over 21 I know, and I think one of them is just 19.

The first time we visited in Ny Koebing, was before Christmas, and there were three missionaries there.  They were all clean-scrubbed and happy and the apartment was cozy with Christmas decorations and letters from home hanging up.  Over the months the decorations have changed and the degree of clean has varied.

Our two young men today needed a little instruction (we sometimes forget that they are - for the most part - fresh from living at home and haven't been responsible for taking care of everything in the house.) about several things.  Fortunately, they don't seem to mind a little gentle correction from a grandma.

It was a very gray and rainy day, and their apartment looked just a little forlorn.  I taught them the 10-minute rule and had them try it out.  Stand in the middle of the room and ask, "What can I do in 10 minutes to make this room look better?"  I showed them what could be done in that amount of time in the kitchen.  I scrubbed out the sink and polished it up, and wiped down the countertops and windowsill and straightened out the spices.

I think they got the idea and seemed enthusiastic about it.  We had a nice visit with them, and forgot to take their pictures!!!!!  Argh.

We took them to McDonald's for lunch, and I think they were both very happy about that and seemed to enjoy it.  I know what you are thinking.  Hasn't it just been a couple of weeks since you vowed never again to darken the doorway of a McDonald's?  Yes, that is true.  But that was in Sweden, and this was a much superior McDonald's....although still a McDonald's.  My vow now is that we will never again go to a McDonald's unless that is the only place available.  These young missionaries haven't been "out" to eat anywhere in that city and couldn't recommend a place.

They usually eat at member homes, but here in Denmark, that amounts to maybe once a week.  In Arizona, people practically fight to see who gets to feed the missionaries, and in Utah, Kasper - who served there - said they never had to pay for a meal.  If they went to a McDonald's or whatever, someone always stepped up to pay for them!  Ah....don't tell our Danish missionaries that.

Last week, Sister Sederholm said that when the sign-up sheet came around, no one had signed up to feed the missionaries, so she took them home with her and gave them a good home-cooked meal.  She is so cute!

We went to several genbrues in the little city and found an old etching that I really like.  It was in an old frame with broken glass....so SK asked if we could just take the etching and leave the frame.  They said yes and charged us the same price!....which wasn't too bad anyway.  But they ripped the side a little bit getting it out.  It will be alright.  I will frame it when we get home.  I love the mood it imparts.
Isn't this a magnificent old tree in the middle of the town square?  Do you see me standing underneath?

This is such a beautiful little building so typical of the old churches that dot the countryside.

Not to let a good opportunity pass by, we drove further south an hour til we reached Denmark's southernmost point...Gedser.  It was beautiful there....deserted and quiet, but somehow I could feel the weight of centuries......boats and ships sailing to Denmark, people waiting patiently on the shore, a lighthouse signaling its importance....no doubt a replacement of an older one.

I can't imagine how many people have stood on this shore watching for loved ones to return.

The southern most point!

A return trip got us home in time to have a quick dinner before I had to go visiting teaching.  I have two sisters to visit....one a YSA from New Zealand - a law student.  I enjoy visiting with her.  The other is Anna, a wonderful young woman who works for Church Translation Services who is currently under the gun to get all the upcoming conference talks translated so they will be broadcast simultaneously live.

SK drove me to Sarah's, went to the center to open it for the young married's institute class, left to come and visit with Sarah for a few moments, then drove me to Anna's.  While I visited with her, he drove back to the center to lock up and then back to pick me up.

Home again, home again.  Tomorrow we do some more traveling....and shopping.  SK needs to be at the center at 7:30 a.m. for a repairman. I am doing the cooking Thursday and will need the supplies, so I can do some of the work here early Thursday.  And we are going North a couple of hours to see my young Chinese birthday sister (we share the same birthday) play and sing in a concert.  She is 15, and we have carried on a little correspondence since I first met her at her uncle's baptism well over a year ago.  I believe she is a Christian and is really a sweetheart.

I hope sometime to be able to have a really nice gospel discussion with her, and to share the testimony of my heart about our Savior and the Restored Gospel.  If the opportunity arises, I'll be ready, but if not, I will be content knowing that perhaps we have been one of many contacts preparing her to receive it.

It has been such a strong anchor source of joy and strength to SK and me, and we see it in the lives of our children, their spouses and children.  I would like cute Lily to have that gift as well.


  1. What a wonderful day - and how nice of you to teach & treat those Elders. I'm sure they will do a better job in keeping things clean and orderly. VT is always good - and a visit tomorrow with your birthday friend will be a few more seeds planted, I am sure. It amazes me that everyone does not want the goodness of the gospel in their lives = and that many who do have it - don't do all they can to make their lives better.
    Keep up the good work. L&P

  2. The elders were e curious to fun. I will be curious to see how the apartment looks next time we inspect it! (It will probably have 2 new elders). L&P

  3. Hi Sister Madsen. I'm Elder Bradshaw's Dad! I'm pretty sure one of the Elders was him?? I was trawling through CopDen mission blogs and came across this. Filled my wife and I with joy and horror both at the same time. Thank you so much for taking care of our dear son - and I hope his apartment looks better next time around. :-)

  4. Hi Brother Bradshaw. It is so good to hear from you! Yes...it was Elder Bradshaw on that visit. I enjoyed visiting with him and with his companion (who was quite new at the time I believe). We have been given the responsibility to inspect all of the missionary apartments on Sjaelland and it is keeping us busy.
    I sincerely hope you don't feel any sense of horror at all. These young missionaries are just that....young. And they are working hard to do what the Lord has asked of them. I am so impressed with their dedication and willingness. More often than not, we try to help them by showing them how to be a little more efficient in keeping their apartments clean and orderly.
    We have (from the mission office) a full page of things to check off, and it is pretty thorough. Elder Bradshaw's apartment was not dirty. They didn't have a great deal of notice about our visit, and so it could have been tidier. They were both really nice and willing to take care of everything we mentioned.
    We have the best missionaries in the world here.....they are outstanding young men and women, and each time we visit an apartment, I am reminded of that. You must be very proud of your son.
    We usually take their picture....so I am sorry I didn't have that on the blog for you. If he is currently near Copenhagen, we will be visiting him within the next two weeks. I am not at all concerned about the shape of his apartment....I am sure it will be fine!
    Thanks for raising such a great young man.
    Sister Madsen

  5. Hi Sister Madsen - thx for the reply. I think he will be in Nykobing Falster for at least another transfer, his companion you met that day Elder Taylor was new to the area but goes home Monday. Horror only because we know our teenage son! :-) And that someone else was witnessing what we were already very familiar with :-) Thx again for the great work you do helping them be more clean and tidy - I know it makes a huge difference. We are proud of him - and his younger brother just got his call to Armenia! Leaves in October. Elder Bradshaw also has a blog that we maintain for him. http://elderjedbradshaw.blogspot.com/ Thx for your wonderful sacrifice and service in Denmark!
