Tuesday, March 10, 2015

There is More to Life Than Dessert...But Something Sweet is Always Nice

SK had an outing today.....to the local and newest (for us...it has been there for several years) Costco Wannabe.  Oh how I miss Costco!  We walked the 10 or 12 blocks and then toured our way through, pen and paper in hand.  Did I mention that I am in charge of the zone conference lunch on the 18th?

I thought it wise to check prices, as well as availability of all the items we will need.  We are having Cafe Rio Sweet Pork Salads.  One thing I was checking was prices on pork shoulder roasts.  One of the online recipes said that you can get a good roast at Costco for around $2 a pound.  Yes...just rub it in.

The roast there cost $5 a pound and that was the least expensive one.  I talked with a friend today who was sure I could find a better price.  The Costco Wannabees that I have come to know and love here don't ever give the false impression that their prices are better than any other store.  They just have more of everything than other places.

We went through the entire place with pen and paper writing everything down.  I think we can do it.  I tried out the rice recipe in our rice cooker, and it was pretty good, even though the bottom was too well done.  That's OK....with 3 rice cookers I think we can get everything done that morning to serve 60 ravenous young missionaries.

I have asked around to see if any of the other senior sisters could make a batch of cupcakes and have been dismayed that most don't bake anymore.  Their adult children take care of all of that now.  I have several really great cooks in our family, but I love to bake, especially if the grandchildren are going to be visiting.  I am sure someday soon I will be lambasted as a grandma who contributed to all kinds of difficulties for her grandchildren by plying them with so much unhealthy sugar.

But all the sisters will be on hand the morning of the lunch, so there will be plenty of hands to help get the meal on and that will be lovely.  I can make a batch a day between now and the lunch and freeze them and have enough, with the help of SisterSederholm, and Sister Brookes, who will each make a couple of dozen.  I want to have enough for everyone to have two each.

We attended the Relief Society Birthday Party this evening.  I believe there were 15 there, and like every other evening R.S. meeting...it was excellent.  We played some games and ate heavenly cake to celebrate.  One game we played was a quiz about early R.S.  Ellen, a dear friend who constantly amazes me with her store of knowledge about family history, church history and Danish history seemed to know all the answers.  She is a treasure.

It is exciting to know that as we gather here in Amager, hundreds of thousands will gather all over the world this month to celebrate being a part of the oldest continuous (and largest) organization for women in the world.  The organization has been responsible for much good in the world, as well as for educating women about their divine roles and their potential to grow and become so much better in this life.  President Hinckley said at one time:  "People wonder what we do for our women.  I'll tell you what we do.  We get out of their way and look with wonder at what they are accomplishing."

That is always the way I feel when I look at the collective efforts of women throughout the world who belong to this great organization.

One of the cakes was a yellow layer cake with whipped cream frosting....but not just any frosting.  Our R.S. president had melted "After Eight - After Dinner Mints".... a dark thin mint.  After melting them, she stirred them well and refrigerated them until completely cool.

She stirred the melted chocolate into whipped cream and piped it between and on top of the cake layers.  The result was heaven.

SK went to the planning meeting at the center....he took the bus and walked since Elder Thorne drove the sisters to R.S.  It was a good meeting with some planning going on for the next several months which will be dynamite.  I am excited about all that is ahead.  We will be spending more nights there since there are now more classes going on during the week.

I think he is getting what I have had.  Everyone who has had it has coughed for weeks afterwards...mine still hangs on.  I hope it doesn't get worse for him because we have so much ahead that we have to do.  We (like all missionaries) come as a couple, and for the most part ought to be together, except in cases like tonight or when just one of us is at the temple, while the other is at the center.

He is pretty good at toughing it out, but there comes a certain point when you really ought not be around other people.  I made chicken noodle soup yesterday....we'll see if it works its magic on us! You know carrots are good for you.  Maybe I ought to try another batch of those carrot cake cookies.


  1. I can't believe sr. missionary sisters who will not do some cup cakes for you. I thought that cooking/baking was all part of the deal - at home & on missions. Oh well. Glad you had an enjoyable RS Birthday - with outstanding refreshments.
    Not so glad to hear that Stan may be getting the "crud". After almost 3 weeks, I finally caved in and went to the dr. today - got an RX - and hope for the best.
    Hope your chicken noodle soup does the trick. Take care of yourselves !!! L&P

    1. They are very willing to help in other ways....I think they feel out of practice and they also put in long hours working at the office. But I can't imagine not baking.....it is just so fun to give someone a little treat!
      I'm glad you went to the doctor....3 weeks is way too long to deal with that stuff. Get better now. L&P

  2. I have no idea how I would go about figuring out how much food 60 missionaries will eat! I'm continually amazed at what you do.

    I hope Dad gets better quickly. Make him sit on the couch and stay there! Have him FaceTime me and the girls. :)

    1. I am relying entirely on internet recipes....and hoping that it will serve me well....as well as all of the young missionaries. Love you.
