Friday, May 8, 2015

Friends...Old and New.,,,,

"You can eat when you can't do anything else!"  That has been a motto of SK's for longer than I can remember.  It has served him well, because he loves to see new things...he loves to explore and to see all the sights.  He is like a little kid that way, and eating for him is almost a burden because it takes time away from other more exciting things.

The problem comes in when those who are with him get hungry.

We drove to Frederiksborg Castle today.  We saw the Carl Bloch paintings and the castle, the special exhibition of the Queen's dresses throughout her reign, and the grounds.  I love that place!  As we headed toward the car, Tessa mentioned that she thought we ought to get a bite to eat.  I suggested that to SK who had the best of intentions...yet waited nearly an hour to stop.  By then, Tessa had a bad case of car sickness and was far past eating.

We got home where she could get some rest and have a little something to eat.  SK and I went shopping to get food for a party we went to tonight.  Sarah, one of our beautiful YSAs has graduated from college....she got her diploma yesterday, and had a grand bash tonight.  There were around 45 people there I believe.

She is Mette's daughter....I love that sweet family.

We stayed about 3 hours and enjoyed the happy atmosphere of the evening and the wonderful food.  There was a wide array, including frikadeller (Danish meatballs)...pigs in a blanket (they don't call them that!), and all kinds of salad and several decadent desserts.  It was great fun.

After arriving home we played a game of Nines again.  We enjoy that game!  Tessa has caught on quickly and either has beginner's luck or great skill or both.  She won again and SK was the big loser.  He has been lamenting a couple of moves that backfired on him.  He is a very good sport and the most gracious of losers, but he hates to lose because he didn't think a move through.

I am going to wish you good night so I can work on the upcoming D&C lesson....and read the Book of Mormon.  What a way to end a delightful day!

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