Friday, May 15, 2015

The Sloth, or "Taking it Easy"

A sloth is a very slow-moving creature who does little.

I have been a sloth today.

SK went to the temple, and fortunately for me, they had plenty of workers, so I was not needed.  I was most grateful, because every so often one needs a sloth day.

I did not walk anywhere....I did not go out the door.  It was a glorious day, and I enjoyed it from the vantage of the couch in the loft.

I read the Book of Mormon, I read the Liahona, I read emails.  I wrote letters of thanks to be mailed tomorrow morning.  I wrote emails to very special individuals.  I caught up on my 5-year journal.  (each page holds 5 entries for the same day of the year, but different years.  For instance, today's entries go on a page with entries for May 15 2014,  May 15 2013, May 15 2012).

And I did some light cleaning.

And I worked on the book for our mission president.

I prayed.

You mothers of young children....I promise you days like that sometime in the future.


  1. Hey! I didn't get an email! :-)

    I'm glad you had a restful day.

  2. You are right! We all need days like this - and we don't get them with children, guests, etc. around. We just enjoy each day as it comes and reap it's rewards. L&P

    1. Yes....and at this point in my life, enjoying each day for what it is worth - is the only course. L&P

  3. Hey! I didn't get an email, either. Hmmm...I wonder if Erin was on the "special" list. :)

    Today was supposed to be a sloth day for me, so I decided to go to the zoo and then was supposed to have nothing between that and a recital. A bunch of things ended up happening, and I was running around like a crazy person all day. I ate a bar for lunch, and didn't sit down for dinner until 8:45 tonight. I'm looking forward to sloth days in the future! Be warned, though, that the Fitbit will call you out on sloth days. :)

    1. I am sorry about your sloth day, but I have a sneaky feeling what you define as a sloth day and what I define as a sloth day may be two different things. At any rate, what you are describing for your day sounds exhausting. Just reading it makes me think I better rest for awhile.

  4. Nope. I wasn't on the special list! ;-) And for anyone wanting more sloth should try breaking your foot! You'll have more sloth days than you know what to do with!

    1. I wouldn't recommend it! That is a little too steep a price to pay to sit on the couch. Best off to choose a sloth day every now and then rather than be compelled. :-)
