Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It is Late!

You really must forgive me....I am awful company this evening and I can hardly wait to get into bed.   I have been working on the book, and must get it ordered today.

I was up very very early....we drove an hour away to inspect one apartment and then another 35 minutes to get to another one.

We had our Danish class this afternoon, and I enjoyed it....I did my visiting teaching to a wonderful woman....I so enjoy our visits.  She is interesting and fun and kind and sweet....did I mention talented?

It has been a beautiful day....and perhaps another day I will share some of the nice details of this day, but it is time to order the book and go to bed.

I have cakes to bake and a dinner to make and a lesson to ......what rhymes with bake and make?

Good Night......


  1. A lesson to....forsake! In favor of bed. :)

    1. Brilliant! I actually did forsake the lesson last night, and worked on it today. So you were right on.

  2. And maybe fake, if you run out of time. We've all been there.

    1. Yes....we have. And I was prepared to do that if necessary. It is fairly simple with 4-year olds.....not so much with adults.

  3. A lesson to throw in the lake! Although I really like forsake, from the Editor-and-Chief. Perhaps flake? :) I hope you get some sleep. Just remember: NEXT Thursday I'll be there to help you bake and make!!!!!

    1. "A lesson to throw in the lake!" is a nice touch, especially since we have a lake within throwing distance.
      I hope YOU get some sleep before you get on the plane. I am so looking forward to having you here.

  4. I was going to go with "fake" - as you have so much knowledge of the gospel - you could do a good job if you did some planning on the way there - or as you are waiting for your turn to come up. A busy day- and no pictures of those "cute" missionaries that you inspected. Oh well. L&P

  5. Well thank you for the vote of confidence! I'll try to remember your kind words the next time I am feeling stressed about teaching a lesson.
    I will put pictures of those cute missionaries on tonight's blog. L&P
