Sunday, November 10, 2013

Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen

Stake Conference ended today at 1:00 p.m. and it seemed like no one left.  The chapel and cultural hall were filled with people.  People stood talking to each other and generally enjoying being together.  The stake covers a fairly large area and has several wards and branches.  People seem to know each other, and find great joy in catching up on everyone's lives.

The talks today were truly exceptional, and there was a solo by a sister with a rich beautiful voice.  She sang "I am a Child of God."  I had never heard the arrangement before but it was so lovely.  One of our YSAs spoke and I was inspired by her testimony as well as her Danish.  She moved here about 10 months ago from Zimbabwe.  She speaks with a British accent and I thought that she didn't speak much Danish.  But she stood at the pulpit and read some of the talk, but then she looked up and spoke directly from her heart...her face glowed and the tears streamed down her face.  She was positively eloquent in Danish!  She is waiting for her mission call....she will be a fantastic missionary.  She reflects an abiding faith in the Savior.

Now lest you think that I have suddenly developed skills far beyond what you thought I had, let me assure you that I understood all of the talks last night and today because I was wearing headphones and there was a translator there who was outstanding at translating almost simultaneously.

I was told that they translate into English, because a lot of visitors come to Copenhagen who can't speak Danish, but almost everyone is somewhat conversant in English.  It is certainly lovely to have a headstart with one of the most commonly spoken languages of the world.

The new temple president spoke also in our meeting.  He was a missionary here just before SK was here 50 years ago.  As far as I know, every senior elder who is here now in Denmark, including the mission president and the temple president were here right around 50 years ago on missions.   I think that is at least 8 or possibly even 10.  Something about this wonderful land gets in your blood!

Late last night we heard all kinds of noise... we looked out the windows and even walked outside, SK said it was fireworks.  I googled fireworks in Denmark, and found out that Tivoli has fireworks every Saturday night between now and Christmas in honor of their 170th birthday.  Next week, we'll have to stroll out on the lake path so that we can see them.  If we walked to Tivoli, we could be there in under 15 minutes.

tivoli.jpg (4608×3072) 

Ah life in the big city.  


  1. The truth comes out! I fully expected that you were able to understand - but maybe not speak so well. It will come. Your stake conference sounds like it was outstanding - especially with your YA sister speaking with such a sweet spirit.
    Have a young boy in my Primary class who is off the wall - so it is hard to feel the Spirit these days. She joined the church about 9 months ago - does not live in our ward or stake - but attends our ward (when she comes) because her friend who introduced her to the Gospel lives here.
    I had each of the children read a short story about being virtuous, valiant, etc. and then illustrate the story & tell it to the class. So happened that Nathan got the story about the boys playing on the playground and another boy offering them cigarettes.
    He drew the picture and then told us that his mother smokes & it stinks. I said that she probably didn't smoke any more - and he assured us that she did. I hope she learns and grows in the Gospel and can overcome that weakness before her boys pick it up. Anyway - Keep doing well - and keep the blogs coming! L&P, Judy

  2. Love of Denmark must be in the blood. I feel like that! :)
