Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Building Towards Thursday

I didn't wear a jacket to Danish class today and was still a little too warm from our walk!!!  This doesn't bode well for June and July.  When we filled out our mission papers there were several questions about what we are comfortable with/doing.  One question asked (on a scale of 1 - 10) "How comfortable are you with high temperatures?" I think I put a 3.  Coming from Gilbert Arizona, that may not have been too credible.....but it was true.

I have loved the cold temperatures and even the snow.  And as close as we are to the sea, you would expect it to be more humid than Gilbert..... very few places bother with air conditioning.  You just open the windows!  Most apartments are built so that opening a few windows creates a good air flow, and except for the few very hot days, most of the time it is lovely (people tell me).

Here is another interesting feature of this place.  We don't have screens.....very few people have screens.  You open your windows, and as far as I can tell....nothing comes in but cool air.

One axiom here is "There is no bad weather, only improper clothing."  If you layer up, you are good for any kind of weather condition.  

The Hansens left early early this morning.  The Thornes (their replacements) moved into their apartment and are settling in.  They have been here a month, which is a long time to feel like you have no place to call your own.  I am certain that as much as they will miss the Hansens, they are happy to relax in their own apartment.

I have my recipe books spread out all over the dining room table, and a shopping list started.  We will start first thing in the morning to shop around the best stores to find good prices.  Sometimes I have switched menus midstream because chicken was a better buy than ground beef.

SK is working on his lesson for Thursday on chapters from the Book of Ether.  He always brings a great deal of wisdom and insight to what he teaches.  I know he loves doing that, but I certainly miss his help in the kitchen!

He does all he can to help me up until the time everyone convenes in the main classroom, and then the center quiets down.  I can hear them singing the opening hymn as I work in the kitchen.  Then it gets very quiet and I know they are praying.  There is usually laughter during the time the announcements are given, and then a bit of hustle and bustle while the class separates and SK takes the ones wanting the lesson in English to another room.  After that, I am alone with my thoughts as I try for the next hour and a half to get everything ready for when they all come noisily down the hall heading for the serving table.

But that is all two days away.....for now it is time to sleep.


  1. Relax - and enjoy the calm before the storm - also enjoy the cool before the heat.
    You are doing a great job - even without all the help. Wish I could magically come and be with you with a "wiggle of my nose" - and then come back to what awaits me here. Life is always a challenge - and if it weren't - it wouldn't be interesting. L&P

  2. I wish you could do that!!!!! You have that "can-do" attitude and ability...I love it!
    Yes....it does make live so very interesting. L&P
