Monday, April 14, 2014

There is Hope Smiling Gently Before Us

This is the first day of our Easter break from Danish class.  I can't tell you how much I have been looking forward to this week.  I had BIG PLANS to see everything in the city that we possibly could get to.  I have a small list .... well, maybe a big list of things to see.  Mondays, we go to the center around 3, so that gives us a great deal of the day.

We were both soooo tired, that we just did laundry, cleaning and some reading....then came to the center.  Is that just sad?  So one whole day is gone, but we still have tomorrow up til 6 p.m. and possibly Friday.  Wednesday and Thursday are pretty busy, so there will never be any sightseeing those days.  If Thursday turns out to be a night where we are at the center until 2 p.m. then we end up sleeping late - we just have to or we can't function!  The day is usually well under way, before we get ourselves underway.  But that is OK....sightseeing is way down there on the list of priorities.

From 3:00 on today has been wonderful.  One of the young women came in early to work on the FHE activity.  I just love her.  She visited with us while she worked on putting everything together.  She comes from a strong and active family and she is full of faith.  I love how these young people express their commitment to the Gospel and to the future.  The activity was putting together fun (cut-out 3-dimensional papers) letters to the missionaries serving from our stake.  We have about 20....which is really good.  There were prizes for the best three.  They were to write a poem on one, cut one out with as creative a flair as possible and then to write one in your best handwriting.  We had 23 young people sitting around several tables put together.  They had so much fun with that...who needs CRUD?  Well, that came later.

I said the prayer in Danish!  I have been able to pray for sometime, but let's face it, I am a coward.  I gave a simple short prayer, but it impressed a young American student here. She is studying Danish too along with other heavy subjects.  She feels the same way I do.  It is just so scary to speak in another language!  I am happy if it gives her courage.

Hey!  Maybe there is hope for me yet.


  1. I had big plans for today, too, but the boys woke up saying they were sick. They both stayed home from school, and I decided a few hours in that they were most definitely NOT sick. :) It was a fun and relaxing day, but not much got done!

    I'm so impressed with your Danish!!!


    1. Yeah...maybe not "check off the list" done, but those boys will always remember good days like that....especially Matthew. He's getting to the age now where he will remember a relaxing day at home with Mom.

  2. I do hate those days when you feel like it's half way gone before you've even gotten started. I had one of those today too.

    1. I am sorry! If only you knew in advance, then you could plan on enjoying the break, instead of feeling like you are spinning your wheels. I hope today was better for you.

  3. You are definitely an inspiration! Plans- like rules - were made to be broken. Sometimes it just makes more sense to do so. You can do sight seeing when you return to visit - or live??? L&P

  4. Exactly! There will be time ahead for all that.
