Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Grass is Always Greener.....

Have you ever thought how lovely it would be to stay home for an entire day and just relax?  I try never to think that, because every now and then I have that day at home....and it is not always fun.  I am a little bit under the weather, and resting has helped.

Consequently, I have little to report today, except that the high school graduation celebrations have begun.  All of the graduates wear little white caps for a week, and they look particularly cute on the girls.  Truckloads will drive around the city with banners and flags flying, horns blaring and young people singing and yelling.  We published pictures last year.  It is a major party time.

I heard a few trucks pass by in the afternoon.

SK went to institute earlier and stayed until everyone had gone home.  Our numbers were few again, only 17, but they had a good time and enjoyed a marvelous CES talk from 2009 by President Uchtdorf.  It was titled "The Reflection in the Water," and he begins by telling a story from Hans Christian Andersen.  What is not to love about that?

For 45 minutes well-spent, listen or watch.  Google it, or go to and troll around til you find it.  It will definitely brighten your day.


  1. Hope you get feeling better! Take care of yourselves! I will google that talk and see what comes up. Thanks. L&P

  2. Thanks so much....hope you enjoy the talk. L&P
