Sunday, June 28, 2015

Warning: Extreme Heat

I guess it was inevitable.  I knew it was coming, but I kept hoping nonetheless.
Summer is on its way to Denmark.
The forecast for Tuesday is 66 degrees, climbing all the way up to 73 by Saturday....I wonder if I will be able to handle such extreme heat?

Of course you think I am kidding.....I am not.  Seventy Three degrees in Copenhagen is bordering on uncomfortable.  If the sun is shining, it will definitely be uncomfortable out under its rays.  If it is overcast and could be lovely.

(By the way, I wrote my post last night and didn't discover until today that I had forgotten to push the "post" button....I hate to miss!)

Each of our three meetings this morning was excellent.  As is often the case, each message seemed to build on the other lessons and talks. In sacrament meeting, our relief society president shared a little bit about herself.  She remembers a time when she was 4 years old.  Her father was sitting on the side of the bed crying.  He had a migraine.  She had never seen her big strong father cry, so she knelt and said a prayer for him.  Soon, he stopped crying and seemed to be better.

She knew from early on in her life that God lives.  But neither parent was religious, and strongly discouraged her being a part of any organized religion.  As a fourteen-year-old, she became close friends with girls who were Christians, and she spent a great deal of time with them.  By the time she was fourteen, she had met the missionaries from the Church.  She knew it was true.  But her father told her she would have to move out of his house if she wanted to be baptized.

So she moved!  Fortunately her mother allowed her to move in with her.  But she was not much happier about the Mormon religion.  It eventually worked out....after some very real struggles.  She is an excellent speaker and gave nearly her entire talk without notes.  Then her husband spoke and shared some great thoughts as well.

SK gave the lesson in Sunday School and did a great job with the New Testament discussion.  Relief Society was wonderful with a lesson based on two conference talks....the lesson was given by Christina our beautiful fairy tale princess.  Her little son Elliot is so responsive now to people and smiles from ear to ear when he is pleased.  Did I mention to you that her husband, the prince played the organ two Sundays ago (our regular organist was out of town, and there is no one else that can play) and did a very fine job.

I was impressed....I didn't know that he could play.  But later I found out that he has never had a piano lesson, much less an organ lesson.  That was entirely self-taught....and I got the idea it was a recent acquirement!

After church, we had the elders and Sister Hamblin over for lunch.  I fixed sweet pork quesadillas.  I know why people enjoy having the young missionaries come for dinner.  They make you feel like you are a world-renowned chef!  They each must have eaten 4....and they had a lot of pork in them, plus all the trimmings.  They were cute.  They were the same elders who let us come and inspect their apartment yesterday.

We had brownies and ice cream for dessert, and then they gave us a wonderful spiritual thought.  They opened the scriptures and each testified about Jesus Christ, His atoning sacrifice for us, and Heavenly Father's love and concern for each of us.  They also left us with a challenge....which they will come back to check on in a few weeks.

We had just enough time to clear the dishes off the table and get ourselves to the center, where we participated in the student council....planning upcoming events.  We will not be here for many of the things they were talking about.  Everything from September 1 and on will be attended by another senior couple.

By that time, we will be in Gilbert......experiencing the worst heat (for us) in 2 years!!!!!

Sacrament meeting - as always in the center - was outstanding.  Even better was the visiting with several great young people.  I spent some time with a cute 17-year old....she will be 18 in August.  For graduation, her parents are giving her a trip to Arizona.  She will visit her cousin there, who will take her to Disneyland and the Grand Canyon.

I told her to pack a will probably get up to 73 degrees, but cool at night.  If I live through the months of September and October, I will be loving the weather.

1 comment:

  1. Great Sabbath. So good to know that the church is true - no matter where you are in the world (or what the temperature). Have to love - LOVE those elders - and all those young people that you work with. L&P
