Monday, June 22, 2015

Walking and Chocolate Cake

Wait!  It simply cannot have been a week since last Monday, and last Family Home Evening.  Everyone has predicted this wild ride that happens on the countdown to the last day of our mission, and I believed them, but still.....I am surprised.

Louise came in early in the evening.  I opened the door and there she was.  She was our co-chairman with Morten for the first eleven months that we were here.  Last September, she left to attend BYU.   We were all so happy for her, and knew that she would not only have a marvelous time there, but also that she would be very successful.  She is dynamic and strong and bright.  She is one that you know will be able to accomplish everything she sets out to do.

She is back for two weeks.  Tonight was just one of those laid-back had rained on and off all day with periods of brilliant sunlight and warmth.  By 6 p.m., the sun was spreading warmth and golden hued beams over the surfaces outside of the kitchen window.  When Caesar arrived, he couldn't resist....and went outside into the courtyard to sit at a picnic table there.  Helena joined him. One by one, as people arrived, they saw them outside and went out to sit in the sun.  By seven, we had over 20 YSAs out there basking in the beauty of the day.

They stayed out there for another half hour, sharing any food they had brought and laughing and talking.  Ulrik organized them to go inside, where he conducted Family Home Evening.  After a hymn and prayer and announcements, we watched a little video - a "Liken" video.  I think the target audience may be younger people, but the YSAs got a kick out of the story of Samuel the Lamanite, come to life in a musical that got pretty silly.  I thought it was pretty funny too.

Sarah from New Zealand came to say good-bye to everyone, and she brought an excellent chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.  She has spent the summer perfecting her recipe and the cake tonight was her best was good!

After cake, several stayed around just enjoying each other's companionship...talking and laughing.  They have such good clean fun.  I would think it would be good missionary work just to show someone  how much they enjoy life without alcohol or drugs.

SK came to pick me up at 11 p.m......earlier than usual.  I cleaned out a kitchen cupboard while I waited.  He, Derek and Kate had done a bunch of sight-seeing today, and since it was their day last here, some souvenir shopping.  I went with them in the morning to two shops that most of the missionaries love.  They are similar to the dollar shops in America, but they have such fun and zany items, that it is a pleasure just to wander through.

I left them around 2 to get home to clean up, change and get myself to the center.

My little bracelet says I logged nearly 6 miles of walking today, which is great.  That is like walking from our home in Gilbert to the theaters on Gilbert Road and Warner.  I find that to be astonishing.  I would never do that in Gilbert!!!!  

SK and I used to walk two miles around the corn field and the Field of Dreams, but 2 miles seemed like such a long way to walk, and I felt like it was my limit.  As I walked to the center today, I traced in my mind the route I would walk, and I tracked my progress by the various places I enjoy walking by.  It didn't seem like such a long way, yet it was much farther than I would ever have walked back home.

Walking is just a part of life here in the city....walking, taking the bus or the train, bicycling....I understand why Danes shake their heads at the Americans who get from point A to point B (half mile away) by car.

Walking past the cornfields was....can I say...just a trifle boring.  Walking on the treadmill was really really dry.  Walking past all of the sights, sounds, and smells of Copenhagen is invigorating....exciting and interesting.

Maybe, in September, we'll have to start walking to the theaters on Gilbert Road!


  1. Walk that far in Sept??? Are you forgetting that it is still HOT? It is easier to walk in cool weather. As for the cake and your evening at the center - it sounds great!
    Glad that Kate & Derek were able to have such an enjoyable time while they were with you - and other places as well. Work hard to the end - yes! - it will go by in a flash. L&P

  2. Yes.....I am painfully aware that it will be very hot still in Gilbert....oh well. Perhaps in November! L&P
