Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Computing....Grams, Ounces, Kilograms, Liters, Cups......Oh Bother!

This was a perfect Mary Poppins umbrella day.  The skies were very dramatic with beautiful billowing black clouds.  Lovely rain but no wind. Being so close to the sea, Copenhagen's skies change quickly.  A clear blue sky can give way within a couple of hours to threatening clouds, and the reverse.  The rain is softly tapping at the windows as I type.

This morning I sat at the table and worked on a shopping list and menu.  I opened the back door and listened to the gentle rain outside.  There was a pale mist hovering over the lake and a peaceful stillness in the air.  It was really the kind of morning where you want to curl up on the couch and a book....write some letters.  But it was also a great morning to be out and about.

I am sure that this picture doesn't look remarkable to you, but if you could feel the cool crisp air and the light mist on your face.....if you could smell the rain.....if you could hear the call of the gulls over the lake and the songs of the birds in the trees, you would love this picture.

I carried the Mary Poppins with me all day, but never used it!

As usual, we were in and out of several stores, pricing all kinds of things.  I am thinking about serving hot dogs next week.  We have looked at all kinds of possibilities.  It looks like it will cost us at least 150 kroner just for the condiments and probably 300 to get hot dogs and buns for 50.  If we try to stay under 500, that just about takes care of it.  So we will continue to plan.

We had left-over lasagne sauce from last week, so I made a big pan up to take to the center .... often YSAs come in hungry right after school and rummage in the refrigerator.  Just like home!  So, whenever possible I like to have something in there they can heat up and eat.

I also made up 2 really big pans of brownies for tomorrow.  The YSA council is really pushing to get 50 there each week.  Last Thursday we fed well over 40, and Monday at Family Home Evening we had 33...which is a great number for that.  We could well have 50 this week.

We shopped for supplies for enchiladas today, but couldn't find corn tortillas anywhere.  I guess it was an anomaly that I found some the last time we had them.  I know I could use flour, but I am not crazy about the flour tortillas here, plus I am philosophically opposed to flour tortillas in enchiladas.....even though I have had them that way (and they weren't bad).  I think that last sentence might be offensive to certain editor types.

We are home now studying diligently (or not....some of us....OK....
 one of us) for the great and wonderful test.  It will be over soon.

In the meantime, in the back of our minds at all times is that our new little granddaughter will be putting in an appearance any time now.  I am much relieved to know the Peggy....the other there to take care of that little family.  How I wish I could help too....

Besides Peggy, other angels have stepped in to help....Carolyn, Erin, Melissa, Kaylene, Moriah and friends and neighbors.

That means so much to a mother/grandmother.


  1. I'm so glad to know Peggy is there to help, too! The day there sounded beautiful!

    1. Everyone needs to look at beautiful scenes of nature every now and is rejunvenating!
      Peggy is so loving and capable...she is no doubt one of the "seen" angels (Elder Holland referred to angels seen and unseen) the Lord has sent to help.

  2. Still love to read your descriptions of "things". Whatever you serve - it will be great - as always. Smile through your test today. It may help. L&P

    1. "Things" here are beautiful ...and lend themselves well to description!
