Sunday, May 18, 2014

Delighting in Fatness....the Spiritual Kind, of Course

Our little branch had an attendance in sacrament meeting today of 63!  This is significant.  The stake presidency visits every ward and branch twice a year, and this was one of those days.  Our Stake President wasn't there but both of his counselors spoke, as well as a member of the stake young women presidency.

It was one of those wonderful Eureka! days at church where every talk was magnificent.....and we had an investigator!  Well....kind of.  She is a student at one of the local universities studying to be a teacher.  Part of the requirements is to do an indepth study of local religions so that you will be sensitive to students in your classroom from those religions.

She had gone online and read much on the website, and had come to our meeting because it was close to her home.  I sat beside her and she sang the hymns and listened attentively.  I explained some things to her.  We got her some information and a Book of Mormon.

She also attended Sunday School class which I thought was great.  I have hardly ever gone to a Sunday School class that I didn't enjoy.  Then she left.

She will give her presentation on our church on Wednesday.  I told her that if she remembered nothing else to remember how important the family unit is to us and to remember that we believe in Jesus Christ and His power to save.  I hope that she felt the spirit at some point during the meeting and that she left with a positive feeling about what she saw and heard.

Sister Swena prepared a meal for the 6 senior missionaries and 2 young elders from our ward.  She fixed a feast!  She roasted Cornish game hens and served them with rice/jasmine rice/black rice and a sauce that takes at least two days to put together (and it tasted like was amazing....and the best sauce either SK or I had ever tasted!)  We all sat together in their beautiful apartment with flowers in profusion on the bushes just outside and the lake beyond.

Sister Swena and the feast she has prepared.

The sauce on the chicken and the rice had pine nuts and several kinds of mushrooms and chestnuts. was amazing.

Our 2 young elders....that are amazing young men.

When we had finished eating, the young elders gave a spiritual thought and prayer.  They talked to us about personal revelation and asked us to share our experiences.  That was a spiritual feast!  It was such a lovely way to finish up a very special dinner.

The day ended at the center with several of our YSAs watching the CES Broadcast from 2 weeks ago with Elder Ballard.  It was outstanding.  If you have any teens in your life, please watch it and let them watch.  He was eloquent about their role in the coming years, about the Twelve and who they are and what they are about (that was both funny and profound), and about 3 very real battlefields for the souls of men.

Another day of spiritual and physical feasting.  Too bad the physical feasting involves calories!


  1. Don't worry about the calories. That sister looked very slender - so you could trust anything she served.
    What a spiritual feast, indeed. The young lady who was "investigating" surly must have felt something.
    You are destined to keep up both types of feasting - so enjoy! L&P

  2. We are enjoying!....I fear too much on the physical food.....but it is soooo good.
