Monday, May 12, 2014

Turning Into a Pumpkin

SK and I had time to circle the lake twice along the pathway, study scriptures and spend an hour studying Danish together, and still had time left over from what would have been the time we spent at our Danish course.  It was fun and we both enjoyed it and all of the class members, but it is time to focus more on our mission.

During our walk, we stopped to check on the swan who has been sitting on her nest.  We counted four large eggs.  We stepped a little closer to get a picture, and the swan's mate (we honestly can't tell which one of those magnificent creatures is the male) swam closer to shore, almost as if to challenge us.  I have heard them hiss...a very unpleasant sound, and I am unsure just how the swan protects itself or its nest, but I would rather not find out through experience.

Do you see the mate sneaking up on the right?  A stealth attack.

It was good to begin a new routine that I hope we can continue.  Since our days with the YSAs usually begin at 3, it is nice to have mornings to prepare.  We sit in the loft and go over the lessons in the book.  This morning rather than sunshine streaming through the blinds, we heard the steady patter of rain on the windows.  That and the darkened skies made a lovely backdrop to our study.

We have been at the center now for about 9 hours and will probably be here awhile longer....but since it is about midnight, I may turn into a pumpkin fairly soon.  It has been a very good evening.  Mondays are the night for missionary meetings....the two young sister and the two young elder missionaries come and meet with the YSA missionary committee and discuss what is being done for individuals who are being taught the gospel.  Considering their age, it is inspiring and astonishing to see how everything is conducted with solemnity and a sense of responsibility.  The feeling is very much like Ward Council meetings I have been a part of.

I spent over an hour talking with two young women.  One of them, a convert of about a year was so excited today because a friend of hers in school struck up a conversation about the church.  She told him a little bit about it and invited him to attend the center this week.  She thinks he will probably come on Thursday and she is happy happy happy.  She has told me at other times that her greatest wish is to be able to share the happiness that she has found in the gospel.  When she talks about it, her face lights up and she glows with enthusiasm.

The other one has been a member all of her life and has a very strong and mature testimony.  She said something tonight that made me think.  She said that she has wondered if she has what it would take to sacrifice her life for the gospel.  Then she added that she has wondered if she has what it would take to give her life for the gospel.  The difference is that with one you may suffer for 15 minutes more or less, and with the other you give 80 or more years of your life to live as the Lord wants you to live...which seems to be the more difficult choice. 

I love to hear these quiet and thoughtful declarations of faith. 


  1. Pumpkin or not - you are always there for those young adults. They need your strength and example.
    Send some of that rain our way. The weeds seem to grow with vigor - but you can't even dig into the ground to get them out - and when pulling - they just break off. It has been beautiful spring weather in Gilbert - but the high heat is shortly upon us(the end of the week) - and no rain in sight. Thinking of the song that says, "I'll think of you - and you think of me" - the change will read.... I'll pray for you - and you pray for me. L&P

  2. We have had several days of rain....I wish I could send some to is so beautiful! I know those weeds well. It seems like I have spent a lot of time battling them in that hard ground. I will pray for you. Have you considered holding another cultural event? That could bring another downpour! L&P

    1. GREAT idea! We'll have to talk with the prophet about that one.
