Friday, May 2, 2014

Garden of Eden and Other Happy Places

Let me begin by apologizing for the post last night.  I was seriously falling asleep at the computer and kept jerking awake to read what I had just written.  Reading it over this morning, I realized that the last few paragraphs made little sense, so I did some cutting and editing and will let the rest stand.

After a morning of attending to much needed cleaning and laundry, we took a walk to a small park that SK read about in the local newspaper.  It is actually the gardens that surround one of the campuses of University of Copenhagen....the one that is home to the college of biology, bioscience, veterinary science, botany etc.

We strolled in and thought it was pretty, but as we got farther into the garden, we were astonished at the beauty, and began snapping pictures right and left.  I am putting a lot of pictures in, so bear with me here.....this is a GARDEN....probably at its finest....Spring.  Although I have a feeling that it is lovely year-round.  

There was an activity at the center in the evening.  We had a sister from a local ward come to instruct the YSAs on dancing.  The first thing she did was pair them off for free-style slow-dancing.  It was such fun to watch them having such a grand time.  Each young man had a different style and I had to laugh out loud at times.  Some were smooth and in perfect time to the beat, others were doing an imitation of Fred Astaire, and some were just trying their best....while they had a young woman in their arms!

This is timely, because Festinord is coming up in July and there WILL be dancing there.  No one wants to look like they don't know how to dance.  So there was much laughing and chattering.  

One young sister who is a fantastic cook brought an apple pear taerte or pie as we would call it.  It was soooo good!  Another one, who is a professional cook brought in a little strawberry topped cake that she had made.  It had a layer of marzipan, a thin layer of chocolate, I think a thin layer of yellow cake and then light and delicate cream/custard, topped with fresh strawberries in a sweet gel.  Oh my....that was good.  

I figure I will need to walk about 50 miles tomorrow to burn up those calories....maybe 50 times around that beautiful park will do it.


  1. That park is incredible!! I love those red flowers. Seeing those kids dancing is so fun--it looks like there was a lot of laughing. Any time an evening holds lots of laughs, people leave feeling content. Sounds like a fantastic day!

    1. It was a lovely lovely day! Yes....what is it about laughter that gives us that feeling of contentment?
      I hope you will be able to see the the red flowers when you come!

  2. AMEN! to all of Melissa's comments. You call this a mission?? Yes! Because you are doing such a great job & never get enough sleep. L&P

  3. That gave me a good laugh! is a mission!
