Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hot Dog!

Do you like hot dogs?  I have never been very enamored with them, but every now and then a good hot dog really satisfies.  The second day we were here in Copenhagen, we stopped at a little hot dog stand and had a Danish hot dog with the works.  Boy was it good.

We have also discovered the hot dogs at our favorite grocery store deli.  They are cheap and come with hot dog sauce, ketchup or mustard, and they are pretty good too.

I have been toying with the idea of serving hot dogs at the center, and it looks like this is the week.  All of the circulars from local grocery stores have wieners on sale.   Since we have not purchased and cooked our own hot dogs here, we felt it only reasonable to experiment on ourselves before we serve them at the center.

We started out at a store with a brand we know makes good things, and then made the rounds to all places with good sale prices.  We made some purchases and brought them home.  SK had 3 hot dogs for lunch and 2 for dinner....and I had several too!  We made our decision and while I went to Relief Society, SK went back to the winning store and purchased 70 dogs.  We don't know what exactly is in them for the great price, but do we ever know what is in a hot dog?

So the major decision for the week has been made, and now we'll work around the main "course."  We will have pasta salad and sugar cookies.  At any given time, I have several things I am looking forward to making, but price is the big determiner.  I am waiting for bagels to go on sale so that we can try mini-pizzas!

This evening at Relief Society, we made floedeballer.  These are delightful little confections made on a cookie-like base and dipped in chocolate.  They are a favorite with Danes, and chocolate shops have taken them to heights you can't imagine.

We each made 6.  The filling was made for us, as was the cookie base, so all we had to do was form the filling into a nice little igloo-shaped form atop the cookie and then dip the entire thing in chocolate.  Lucille Ball could have made a wonderful episode with this.  As it was, we had great fun, made a mess, and all came away with our own creations...happy.  Our little branch is wonderful, and the sisters are a joy to spend time with.  Our Relief Society President and her counselors are all so dear and function so beautifully in their callings.

The velvety filling is made from egg whites, and yes, it is like marshmallow fluff, but so much better.

The cookie base is made from marzipan, and if you are ever going to enjoy Danish desserts, you must develop a taste for marzipan.  In my case, I am utterly smitten with that stuff!  It is in cakes and pastries and it is heavenly.

Mine are the 5 on the left.....it was the best they ever looked.  Dipping them in chocolate was something of a disaster since the filling kind of listed to the right then to the left and in some cases fell right off the cookie!

No matter how they looked, they tasted wonderful!
Between the hot dogs and the floedeballer, I think I am pretty much done eating for a month.


  1. The cookies sound WONDERFUL. Hot dogs? OK - I do think they will make a great menu item to the young people. As always - they will love what you prepare.

  2. I approach every week with some apprehension. I'll let you know how it goes! L&P
