Friday, May 30, 2014

Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen!...Make That Frederiksberg.

Have I mentioned how fun it is to ride the bus?...or to walk for that matter.

We took a walk this morning to get some things done, like deliver two suits and 2 ties to the cleaners. Hold on to your seats...the ties will cost $10 apiece and the suits are $30.  That is pretty steep.  But it has to be done and that is just part of the expense.  We wandered down one of the main streets stopping in various shops.

We were looking for some gardening tools.  We had no luck finding any.  We don't want full-size rakes and shovels....just little ones and neither is available on our favorite shopping street.  We will have a car again on Monday and then we will go farther afield to find some.

In the meantime, we had a grand time.  The weather was clear and warm and windy.  It is nearly always windy here and the breeze is almost always comfortably cool.  People are out in droves, sitting at tables in front of the sidewalk cafes, lounging on the grass, sitting on benches, standing together chatting.

We went to a temple session in the evening.  We came close to missing it because our connecting bus was late....nevertheless, even giving ourselves an hour and a half is not quite enough when we are without a car.  But it has its benefits too....because I enjoy riding the bus!

We left the temple a little bit after nine.  On our way to the busstop, we were stopped by a 73-year old man on a bicycle.  He wanted to chat, and could tell we were coming from the Mormon church or temple.  We had our badges on and were carrying little suitcases.  He and SK talked for 15 minutes or so.  I understood most of what they were talking about.

He looked a bit scraggly with a couple days growth of gray whiskers and he was missing a lot of teeth. He had a variety of odd things in his bicycle basket.  He had some knowledge of the states, specifically "Arizona....ah...the land of cowboys, horses and cattle, he said. "

He muttered in English, "My English isn't very good," but he did fine with the little he said.  Otherwise he and SK managed nicely in Danish.  Everywhere we went today SK took the opportunity to strike up conversations in Danish, explaining why we were here etc.  He is doing great, and I chime in when I can.

The old man seemed to appear out of nowhere and was a pleasant fellow.  After we said goodbye, we walked about a half a block and across the street to the busstop.  We watched him rummage around in a garbage can and then he was is fascinating to wonder what a person's life is like...where he calls home, and who he might call family.

While we were waiting for the bus to come, one of the beautiful young Indian women from our Danish class walked by with her husband.  In the beginnings of a long twilight, they looked so cute together walking hand in hand.  We visited for a few minutes.  They will be returning to India next week.  I am so glad that our lives intersected.

That is another thing to a city of over a million and a half people, we got to see someone we know and renew our acquaintance one last time.  We wished them well and said goodbye.

We got off the bus after 10 and walked home in semi-daylight.  Even as I began typing this evening, the nighttime sky was pale blue...not dark.  I can hardly wait for the longest day!!!!