Sunday, January 11, 2015

About Fathers

In Sacrament meeting today, one fourth of our Primary nine-year-old girl is one of four children we have in our little branch.  She is as beautiful as a porcelain doll and so sweet.  She sat beside her father on the stand (he is in the branch presidency).  When it came time to speak, she stood and read/recited her talk quietly and solemnly....all the while holding the hand of her father - who stood beside her.  Wh en it was over they both sat down and she held his hand again and smiled appreciation up at him.

Who can really begin to estimate the profound influence of a father in the life of his child?

In Sunday School, our teacher asked if there was a New Testament figure we would like to meet and get to know (other than Jesus Christ).  I thought for a few moments and replied "Joseph."  Joseph fascinates me.  He has just a few verses in the New angel appears to him and instructs him regarding Mary and her son.  He was not mentioned during the rest of the book, including at the cross.

Yet, he must surely have been a man among men.  Every son needs a father....and Joseph was called upon to be there for Jesus.  The Bible Dictionary says about this special man:

The birth of the child, Jesus, was miraculous, His mother being His only earthly parent; but Joseph was naturally regarded in Nazareth as His father, and the holy child treated him as such (Luke 2:48, 51). It is probable that Joseph died before the Crucifixion (and probably before our Lord’s baptism), as otherwise Mary would hardly have been committed by our Lord to the keeping of John (John 19:26–e 27).

Who can really begin to estimate the profound influence of a father in the life of his child?
Our assignment was to think about the person we available information about him and then report back next week.  I will enjoy this assignment.

Relief Society was equally inspiring.  Following that, we came home with Elder and Sister Thorne and Sister Hamblin, dropped them off and then headed north to a ward where Lea, our cute YSA spoke prior to leaving for her mission this Thursday.  There were several speakers before Lea spoke, one of them was Jonathan, another YSA who is a wonderful young returned missionary.  He is one of the those amazing people who I learn from every time I visit with him.  He just knows so much about so many things.  Was I ever even close to that smart???

Jonathan's father is the Bishop there....and if you have read from this blog, you may remember that this father takes each of his children on their 12th birthday to the National Archives where he shows them around, gives them some basic training on family history and then turns them loose.  Jonathan spends any spare moments doing name extracting rather than playing video games.

We stayed for the YSA Sunday School class in that ward.  With all of the visiting YSAs who were there to hear Lia, they probably had nearly thirty in that class as opposed to their typical 10.  

We came home after that for an hour....had a bite to eat (heavenly quesadillas on real tortillas from Arizona....thanks Heather) then went back north to Lea's home for her open house.  It was wall to wall people and it was a great way to spend a couple of hours.  We visited with a lot of great people.

One man I visited with is the father of two of our favorite young men from the of whom is now on a mission, and the other has been home for several months from his.  They have a daughter who is just starting to attend....she just turned 18, and another teen-aged son.  I asked to what he attributed that.  

They are a wonderful family.  He mentioned that their children are all good friends.  I asked to what he attributed that.  He gave me a wonderful answer.  He said they were blessed...first of all.  Then he said two very important things.  They have always tried to live up to their beliefs....and that they were the same people in their home as they appear in public.  They strive to live no hypocrisy.

The second thing was that when the children get to a certain age, they say "You can stay out as late as you wish on Saturday evening....but our family attends our meetings, and we expect that you will be at all of your meetings on Sunday."  He said they haven't had any problems.  I was impressed with the way he spoke of his children and wife.  There is such a strong sense of commitment and love there.  I am sure the children are in part...the way they are because of this father.

I loved my mother and considered her to be my best and dearest friend....someone who would always love me and want what was best for me.  During my teen years, my father was extremely important to me.  His commitment to our family was vital to our well-being.  His wisdom and long-range vision, his strength and courage continue still to inform my life's decisions.

I am grateful that every one of our sweet grandchildren have a dear father who is focused on providing them with the kind of guidance that will prepare them for the lives they will lead here.


  1. Wish all fathers were as wonderful as the ones you describe here. Wonderful Sabbath and what a blessing to visit with such a dedicated father - and be associated with such dedicated youth. L&P

  2. We have experienced some amazing blessings associated with the YSAs here. L&P
