Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lofty View (of Life)

The wind has been ferocious all day long, which has been charming.  SK went to the temple this morning, and I stayed home to do laundry and cleaning.  When I had everything underway, I climbed the winding wooden stairs to the loft and sat to read my scriptures, catch up on my little 5-year diary, study some Danish and read.  I love this loft.  I opened the blinds wide, pushed the window open a few inches, listened to the cry of seagulls and the roar of the wind in the trees.  Ahhhh....I love Copenhagen.
I am sure you think I have gone over the top on this, but just look at the difference in the sky and the lake in a matter of 2 hours.

There are actual waves on the ducks, geese or other fowl!

Other than a few loads of laundry and a cleaner apartment, there is not much to show for my day, but I feel like it was a lovely nevertheless.  I got some wonderful studying done....and it was manna for my soul.  Today I have been reading scriptures that are invitations from the Lord.  He asks certain things from us and makes promises to us.  3 Nephi 9 has several lovely ones.  It gives a different perspective on life.

In the evening, we went with Sister Hamblin in search of a good hamburger.  Within 10 blocks in any direction of the apartment there are probably 100 possibilities.  We settled on one and had a great visit over dinner....but we'll definitely cross that restaurant off our list.  We went in because there was a sign out front that said, "Best Hamburgers."  OK, we're gullible.

Anyone who really believes this place has the best burgers has never had a Shake Shack hamburger, a Five Guys, a Smashburger, an Inn and Out burger, a Fuddruckers, or even a Red Robin.....or any of a number of other well-known chains and/or one-of-a-kind hamburger joints. You get the point wasn't a great hamburger.

Oh well.....there is still 7 1/2 months left to try a few more places.  Perhaps I would do better looking for good Danish food!