Monday, January 19, 2015

Fun and Games

It is just past 12:30 a.m.....quite possibly the latest we have ever come home on a Monday (or not!). We took our normal walking route home....following the street the center is on several blocks to the entrance to Stroget, across the town hall square, and down Vesterbrogade to Ny Teater, and then along our street to our apartment.  The thermometer said 0 degrees.  I thought it was lovely!  SK (the guy who doesn't like to wear a hat or gloves OR a scarf thought it was really cold.  The good news was that it wasn't snowing and the wind wasn't blowing.

I love that walk to and from the center.  In June when we walk home at night, it will probably still be light at midnight!

We drove out to our stake center this morning to check on the progress of our church building there... it has been closed since December 2013 and was supposed to open again in December 2014.  The interior was gutted and updated.  It is a very large building and should be magnificent when it is done.  But it doesn't look like it will be done any time soon.

On the way back we saw a very large lego church.....from the outside they look like they were built out of legos and they are all over Denmark....usually a 100 years old and more, sometimes way more. I love the look of them.  We couldn't resist, so we parked and went in.  The cavernous interior was spartan to say the least, but it contributed to the vast feeling we felt.
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This isn't the one we visited, but it gives you a good idea of what I mean by a "lego-look."

Pay no attention to the woman trying to snap a picture, but look at the back wall!

In the afternoon we walked to the center, where  we worked on things til some of the YSAs came...which wasn't very long.  We had some really great conversations with several.  We played SET....a game I have never been any good at, but ..... I think I am getting better!  We had about 6 playing and I was seeing the sets about as fast as everyone else.  Either they were all slow figuring it out, or our kids were very fast because by the time I ever found a set, our children had practically gone through the deck.  It was demoralizing to say the least.

After a great message from the full-time elders (who are so just have to love them), we had an evening of team competition, which was hilarious.  I can't remember when I have laughed so much. Morten found them on a Japanese game show program.  They were simple, yet so fun.

The object:  with rubber bands, shoot over a stack of paper cups...Isak, the tall young man doing the shooting won, while Helene didn't make quite as good a showing.

Goal:  blow as many ping pong balls from one side of the table to the other (it has been tilted forward) as you can in 1 minute.

Sort the colors of candy into 6 glasses...first one done wins.

With straws, pass candy around your circle and deposit in dish on with the most wins.
Goal:  Stack as many cookies on your forehead as possible in one minute.

She is beautiful...really.  The goal here was to transfer cookies one at a time from your forehead to your mouth (without using your hands) in one minute....she won hands down (sorry about the pun).

Goal:  Roll coins over to other side of the table so they land between the tines of a fork.

Goal:  With a piece of raw spaghetti in each person's mouth, and a coin with a hole in it hanging on the spaghetti, cross the room and deposit it on a chair.  Team with the most coins wins.

You can see the guys didn't want to hold on to each other....the girls had it a little easier.

Goal:  See how many "steps" the pedometer will record by shaking your head for a minute.

I think everyone had such a great time they didn't want to leave.  It was nearly midnight when they packed up and left....we vacuumed and started the dishwasher and then walked home.

Great day!


  1. That church looks amazing! The games look hilarious!

  2. I loved that church! I laughed myself silly over the games.....we must do those when the family gets together next time. The grandchildren would love them.

  3. FINALLY - they came! I agree with Lia - but wonder if you are having too much fun with those "kids". Glad that we can all feel young - even if the body says otherwise sometimes. You walks in the cold have to keep you young. The visits to the churches must keep your spirits going. L&P

  4. I sometimes wonder if we are having too much fun too! The walks definitely help...and the many beautiful sights to see just add to the enjoyment. Glad they came through. L&P
