Monday, August 3, 2015

Good Night!

I have my calendar, my phone calendar, my notebook and a notepad.....and I think I am going to make it til D-day....departure day.

I have goals set out for the 3 1/2 weeks left, each day that we have remaining in Copenhagen, and I will be checking many tasks off one by one.  We will be inspecting apartments next week, and that will pretty much take up the entire week, besides the time we have at the center.

It felt great today to check items off the list.  I was able to accomplish much in the time that I had before we left for the center.  I don't know why it makes me so happy.  But now there is also something that makes me sad about cleaning this has been our home since October of 2013.

We packed up a lot of things and now have them ready to go.  I spent a lot of time in the kitchen also, doing a kind of inventory and cleaning and organizing.  That felt good as well.

SK made some phone calls....we are trying to find someone to wash our windows, inside and out.  They are about 25 feet off the ground, and so they are impossible for us to reach - any time of day.  We have tried for all these many months to get someone to come and clean them for us, but for a variety of reasons, we haven't found someone who would do them.

In the afternoon, we went to institute.  The numbers have been few with summer holidays, but tonight we had even fewer than usual.  However, it didn't make a difference in the enthusiasm with which everyone joined.

I know everyone is still tired.  SK and I are dragging!

After an excellent message from David , everyone left for the park, where they played American football for a couple of hours.  Philip and Mateus also jumped off the pier and swam for a little bit.  It has been warm today, but I am not sure that it was warm enough to jump into the sea and swim.  Mateus was Philip's companion in England when they served their missions.

They went to Festinord together and now are back in Copenhagen for a couple of days before Matius goes home.  He is from a little town in the northern part of Spain.  He seems very faithful, and very faith full.  I have enjoyed having him come to the center.

All of the young people I saw tonight seem to have caught up somewhat on their sleep....but SK and I have not as yet.

And so I must say good night!


  1. What are they doing in the pictures? Is it at Festinord or near the center?

    I love crossing things off checklists!

    1. This was after Family Home Evening, nearby the center. Actually it was down the street, across the bridge and up a block to that park. They had some kind of game where you set up the pegs and then try to knock them over. is very mood-boosting to cross things off a list. And it helps me feel like I have some control over things.

  2. You need to catch up on your sleep - but you still look great in your picture. I didn't see any baggy eyes. Always good to get things done that will weigh on you as you get closer to leaving. It has gone by so fast.
    You YSA's look healthy and happy to be in each other's company. It is good to know that there are youth around the world who are valiant. L&P

    1. Yes.....if I get enough sleep, I am much better able to keep up with things.
      I am sincerely hoping to get most of the packing done this week, as well as all of the deep cleaning. That way I can focus next week on missionary apartments and the last week on saying goodbyes. L&P
